
Monday 22 July 2024

I Beg Your Pardon...


Yesterday afternoon was a bit too hot for comfort for me, and I ended up sleeping through most of the afternoon (indoors). (But then not very well in the night...) 
This morning was a bit cooler and overcast, but not yet raining, so I went for a walk into town to stock up on tea in my favourite tea shop at the main square. On my way home I passed by the Rose Garden in the town park, which as usual offers a lovely variety of colours in late summer. 
In the afternoon it started raining again - and forecasts say we can expect quite a lot of  showers throughout the rest of the week. I guess I'll just have to take it as it comes...

I beg your pardonI never promised you a rose gardenAlong with the sunshineThere's gotta be a little rain sometimeWhen you take you gotta give so live and let live or let go


  1. Loved the roses, and I sure understand sleep during the day plays heck with sleep at night. Hope your weather is more comfortable.

    1. Barbara, the temperature quite pleasant now but one had better not leave home without an umbrella...

  2. I love her and I love this songs. We’re having a thunderstorm right now this is the third night in a row where the thunder is so loud it shakes the rafters to the house

    1. Sandra, that does not sound good for a good night's sleep either...

  3. I love your first photo of all the pale pink rose shades. I remember this song well!!

    1. Ginny, it's one not easily forgotten, isn't it!

  4. Ever since I worked in a plant nursery a few months ago I have had an obsession with roses. I now have 4 in my garden.

    1. Good luck with your roses, Amy. I'm just enjoying those looked after by others! :)

  5. Oh. That voice! For some reason I really loved that song with Lynn Anderson singing it.

    1. Graham, whenever I happen to think/write "rose garden", it pops to mind for me!

  6. The roses are lovely. They are such fragile blooms that I hope they don't get a battering from the rain.
    Enjoyed the song - I'd forgotten how much I used to enjoy singing along when it was popular!

    1. Carol, the song and the video are sooo 1970... I was 15 back then and keeping up with the hit songs... ;)

  7. Roses are beautiful! Are the ones you show us here scented?
    I know the song but don‘t think I have ever seen a video. What a great dress!! Like a Barbie doll from that era.

    1. Meike, there is a sort of fence around the rose garden so I did not stick my nose into any of them... But I guess at least some of them are scented. - I agree, Lynn's dress and hair in that video is indeed very Barbie-like :)


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