
Wednesday 17 July 2024

Old Friends

 or "How Terribly Strange to Be Seventy"... *

Among the old papers I was sorting over the weekend (cf previous post) were also some letters written by myself to my parents after I had moved away from home, up to Karlstad, at age 20. I lived in that town for about 10 years - first studying (1½ year of secretarial college), then working for a few years, then back to university for more studies. Out of those letters, most of those that I decided to keep were to do with things like starting a new course, or a new job. After secretarial college I first had a couple of short term temporary jobs, then worked for about a year for a company constructing machines for pulp and paper industry, and after that I was recruited by a consulting firm in the same line of business. There I came to remain for three years - even though the company itself went through some changes of ownership etc during those years. Anyway I worked there long enough to make a couple of long-lasting friends among the engineers, whom I continued to meet with now and then even after I quit that job. They also came to visit me in Borås in the summer after I moved here (back in 1986); and with one of them + his wife (K+M) I'm still exhanging Christmas cards, and the wife and I are also Facebook-friends, so keeping track of each other a bit that way. But it struck me as I was reading my old letters, that a very long time  has passed since we actually last met in person...

Then, yesterday evening, a totally unexpected private message suddenly dropped in from M, saying that they were going to be in Borås the next day (i.e. today), and could we meet up? She suggested meeting at some café in town. This put me in a dilemma, though, as I had the laundry room booked today... I went down to check but there were no free time slots for days ahead. So I texted back and asked if they could visit me at home instead? They could, and they did. (They were on a holiday trip by car and had spent the night in smaller town not very far away.) Around 10:30 am today, they turned up at my door; bringing some pastries bought on the way. Luckily I had a new jar of instant coffee in my fridge (bought fairly recently and never opened). (I only drink tea, but keep instant coffee for guests. It's been a while since I last had anyone here for coffee, though!)

We wasted no time but chatted away for 1½ hours in a strange mix of agreeing that it must be no less 38 (!) years since we last met in person... and yet it kind of felt like yesterday! (Or at least not all that long ago...) I also told them of those letters I'd been reading only a couple of days ago - stirring up memories of how and when we got to know each other in the first place - so that for me, their sudden suggestion right afterwards to meet up actually felt like sort of thought transference...!

They left at noon to do some touristing in the city on their own - and I got on with my laundry as planned...

We took some photos before they left, but for the blog I feel more comfortable just asking Bing for an illustration. K does not have a beard, and M does not have hair long enough for a "bun" on the top of her head - but otherwise it's not too bad... ;)

Afterwards, this old song by Simon & Garfunkel came to mind:  


Old friends, old friendsSat on their park bench like bookendsA newspaper blown through the grassFalls on the round toesOf the high shoes of the old friends
Old friends, winter companions, the old menLost in their overcoats, waiting for the sunsetThe sounds of the city sifting through treesSettle like dust on the shoulders of the old friends
Can you imagine us years from todaySharing a park bench quietly?How terribly strange to be 70
Old friends, memory brushes the same yearsSilently sharing the same fears

* (I'll not turn 70 until next year, but all three of us are "around there" now.)


  1. I don't have loads of friends but I do have a few close ones and it is always just like it's yesterday when I see them. Sounds like you had a good catch up with them.

    1. Amy, I am lucky enough to have several old friends from that period of my life that I still feel the same about, because we share good memories from the past as a basis.

  2. I have always loved this S&G song! It is brilliant. For some reason, the box says that the uploader has not made the video available in my country!

    1. Sorry about the video, Ginny. Never occurred to me that it might be unavailable in the US of all places! I just chose one version of many that happened to come up for me...

  3. What a lovely surprise, receiving their message and then their visit just after you'd been reading through the letters!
    It's like that with good old friends, isn't it, you can immediately pick up where you left off, even with a gap of almost 40 years.

    1. Meike, I agree. If you were once really good friends, and especially if you also had/ have other friends in common (and there was nothing special to split you up) it's often surprisingly easy.

  4. How incredible to have that happen and to pick up so easily after almost 40 years.

    1. Carol, I'm very glad that they did get in touch, even if with very short notice! :)

  5. it is pretty amazing that right after you found the letters and had memories of them, they called. wow... so glad they could come to you. it is true, no matter how many years ago by, talking with family or friends is just like we were all those years ago...what a great surprise

    1. Sandra, I think it was probably even better that they came to me, than meeting them in a café (where there would have been more "distractions").

  6. Wonderful post. Being in my early 70s I can very much relate, and strange indeed!

    1. Thanks SPP. I do often feel that Time behaves more and more strangely the older I get! ;-)


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