
Friday 5 July 2024

Skywatch Friday

Still very unreliable weather here. It may seem hard to believe from the photos below, but today it's been raining most of the day, with dark clouds and torrential rain showers swiftly coming and going. 

I managed to sneak out for a while during a break between showers, though.

I walked past these buildings (about 10 min from home) which are currently being renovated: New insulation added, and new facade cladding on top. I'm pleased to see that they have restored the finished buildings to pretty much the same colour as before - I was worried for a while that they were changing them to yellow... (That turned out just to be the colour of the insulation, though - soon hidden again)

This is the last building they're working on now.

I went round the back of the finished ones today and noted that they've got new balconies as well, looking all neat and clean. Must have been very tiresome to live there while it was all going on... but hopefully the result feels worth it once it's all over with.

Down by the river, nearby - other apartment buildings of similar colour on the other side.

Linking to Skywatch Friday


  1. Goodness, people are still living there while they are working on it? Seems the workers would have to go inside to do the balconies.

    1. Ginny, I'm sure this renovation was done from the outside. I've lived through similar work myself, in the past - and while I was on sick leave and at home around the clock. It's noisy, though, and no fun having workmen running about on the scaffolding outside one's windows. (Not living on the ground floor, one is not used to that!!!)

  2. It seems that buildings like this are becoming popular now but I guess people need to have somewhere to live.

    1. Amy, I think these apartment buildings go back at least to the 1950s. For my own part I'm not really keen on the idea of living very high up, but the buildings are in a quite good location, within walking distance from the city centre. And probably quite a good view from the top floors.

  3. I can imagine it wasn‘t easy for the people living in those buildings to cope with the noise, dirt and constant presence of workers around their windows. One would have to time it well, when to open the windows to air the flat. But good insulation can make a big difference to bills for heating, and the new balconies must be welcome, too.

    1. Meike, as I mentioned in my reply to Ginny, I've experienced similar facade/balcony renovations myself in the past, so I know pretty well what's involved. And where I live now it they exchanged the roofs a couple of years ago so we were all surrounded by scaffolding for months as well.

  4. that would be hard to be living inside while they worked, no privacy and a lot of noise... it really looks nice after the make over. you are right about the yellow, it looks like paint from afar.. it will keep them cooler and warmer. hope they don't up the rent

    1. Sandra, it's a mess while they're at it, but hopefully feels worth while afterwards. As for the rent that's up to negociations between landlords and tenants' associations here. Any substantial standard improvement does tend to affect the rent, though.

  5. Do you work for the Swedish Tourist Authority? Only showing us sunny pictures of your fair kingdom - never any grey skies!

    1. YP, that's because it's so difficult to handle umbrella and camera at the same time!!

  6. That's such a pretty scene in that last photo. I am a bit nervous on balconies! Very nice look to the building though.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Lisa. I'm sure I'd be a bit nervous on the balconies up on the top floors myself - I'm not very good with heights.


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