
Tuesday 13 August 2024

Lake View, or Not?

 (3 August, cont.)

On the northern outskirts of Borås, a whole new residential area is being built. I've seen newspaper articles and ads bragging about it overlooking the nearby lake; and it has also been given a name to suggest that. 

Passing by that area with my brother (still on 3 August), on my request we took the opportunity to drive up there to have a closer look. The residential area as a whole is still far from finished, even if people have started moving into some of the buildings. Standing on the ground, it seemed unlikely to us that any but the very top floors of the tallest buildings could have much of a lake view. From the lower floors, at best some of them might see a wall of tall trees. But quite a few must also just be looking straight at their neighbours...

On our way home that same day, we finished off with a visit to the beach at the southern end of the same lake, to get some temporary lake views ourselves - and ice cream at their café.


We also went for a short walk out onto the woodland headland sticking out into the lake from that beach. And from there, we found proof that yes, some of the flats of that new residential area must indeed have a lake view. Definitely not those living on the lower floors, though!

Zooming in:


  1. I prefer the blue and green over the buildings

    1. Ro, I guess most of us prefer the blue and green to look at - but very few would want to live without walls and roofs to protect us...

  2. Buildings are going up everywhere. I hope these did not displace some beautiful nature. It is better to have it than to remove some of it so you can look at it.

    1. Ginny, partly of course they did replace nature. That's kind of hard to avoid...

  3. You are so clever to find a view of the buildings from the lake! Thus proving your theory that upper level apartments will see it. I hope they all get to enjoy the shady trees and grass by the lake as well.

    1. Barbara, alas the view from some of the upper apartments does not equal easy access to the lake itself. (There is a major road and older houses in between, and no proper beach within easy walking distance, I think.)

  4. With an ever-growing population (and no signs of stopping), residential buildings are mushrooming left, right and center. (From discussions on Neil's blog, you know my take on all this, but it's not the point right now.)
    Is the new neighbourhood deemed as the kind of "affordable living" so sought after? Do you know whether they'll have schools, kindergardens, shops etc. to make it attractive for young families? In any way, it sounds nice to live close to the lake, and even better to have a view of it from one's windows.

    1. Meike, I know they are planning for "mixed living" (as in flats of varied sizes, for students, families, seniors...) and certain services like a shop etc. I doubt the area is large enough for its own school though (but I don't know).

  5. Enlarging the last photo I see that very few apartments will have a head-on view of the lake from their balconies and if the trees in front grow as tall as the ones behind, they will lose that.The rest seem to have a side view and look straight into the building opposite. Seems such a waste of a pleasant location.

    1. Carol, I was curious from having read about it but wasn't all that impressed. But perhaps it will look more attractive when finished...

  6. It looks like a thousand people might live in the new housing development. Even though they might not be able to see the lake, they will still be able to walk to it and do what people do by lakes or on them. Spiritually soothing.

    1. YP, access to the lake from there is not quite as easy as it might seem - but maybe that can improved as well. There is also still nature/woodland behind them that I suppose offers possibilities to get out for walks, though.

  7. just a short distance from our house there is a retirement community of small houses. the name of the place is Lakeview. ha ha, there is not a lake for miles around. not sure what they were thinking. they might have a small man made pond inside, it is gated so no idea what is in there but it certainly is not a lake. we are doing the same thing your city is doing, building up and up and up to stack all the people in the same space.

    1. Sandra, such retirement communities (consisting of separate houses) are rare here, if they exist at all (I've never seen or heard of one).

  8. A good walk by the lake and ice cream sounds pretty good to me.

    I'm not sure that high-rise living would be for me.

    1. Graham, I have no longing for high-rise living myself. 2nd floor of three (and with access to a lift) is where I live now and that suits me fine. (Not keen to be on the ground floor either, in an apartment building.)


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