
Thursday 8 August 2024


"A staycation (a portmanteau of 'stay' and 'vacation') --- is a period in which an individual or family stays home and participates in leisure activities within day trip distance of their home and does not require overnight accommodation."

It's been a week since my last post. My brother arrived last Friday as planned; and stayed five nights. This year, we did not go away on any longer trip including hotel nights, but just made day trips out of town from here. I took enough photos for several blog posts; but will start today with just the first afternoon, plus a very short summary and some "teaser" photos from the following days.

On Friday (2 August), as P had already spent a few hours in the car driving down from Karlstad, we had lunch at home when he arrived, and then just went for a walk into the town centre, where I played tourist guide and took him to see some of the new and/or temporary outdoors works of art belonging to this summer's Art Biennial.


▲ We also found one new mural that I had somehow managed to miss on my previous walks alone. (It won't end up among my new favourites - for one thing, I have no idea what it's supposed to be "about"!) ▼

▼ On the same street, we also happened to see this 'hotrod' vehicle parked:

 - - -

"Sneak preview" from the following four days...

On Saturday (weather still fine) we went for a drive to the countryside north of town, where we have some family roots.

On Sunday (rainy in the afternoon) we had lunch at a golf club in the countryside south of town, then went to a shopping mall on the other side of town for an errand or two, and finished off with a visit to the Textile Museum (same exhibitions that I saw just recently).

Photo from the golf course

On Monday (sunnier weather again) we went on a longer day trip to the province of Halland on the west coast (~ 1:15 hour or so in direction south-west from here). There we re-visited a castle where we've been once before, but that was many years ago.


On Tuesday, we drove ~ 35 min in pretty much the same direction, but along a different road, to have lunch in a small town there; and on the way back we visited a different kind of textile museum - a well preserved old cotton spinning mill, where we also got a guided tour.


  1. I agree with you about that mural...feels chaotic and negative to me. I liked the chain of some shiny stuff hanging down in loops. Looking forward to seeing more of your "stay-cation" photos!

  2. The vintage car is so exquisite.
    The castle is gorgeous

  3. I like staycations too. That castle is gorgeous. How fun to spend time with your brother.

  4. I cannot figure out this mural either. Maybe it is a record of some historical happenings somewhere. Looks like you both had a lot of really interesting fun!

  5. It all sounds and looks very nice so far! As you know, my sister and I are very close, and I always like it when I know that other people and their siblings get along well, too, and do things together.
    The mural looks to me full of religious symbols. The writing at the bottom appears to be in Sanskrit.

  6. Barbara, Ginny, Meike (and anyone else interested) - I found some info about the artist behind that mural in the main brochure for the art biennial. His name is Thiago Martins de Melo (b. 1981). He studied visual art at a university in Brazil and also has a Masters degree in psychology. His works (in general) are described as "often monumental, instense and polyphonic, their surface brimming over. Collective struggles, ignored and suppressed historical episodes, traumas, spirituality and existential wisdom, in ecstatic, almost aggressive, paralllell narratives, connect to each other with no beginning or end"... So I'd say all your impressions fit (and my own as well)... [chaotic, negative / historical happenings / religious symbols...]

  7. It's interesting to see the close-up of the installation over the river. The mural does seem chaotic and I'm not sure that I can fathom out the explanation either. I suppose the best thing about it is it's colourful and gets one thinking.
    Glad you had a good time with your brother.

  8. not only is the mural chaotic it is not very attractive to look at. this all sounds like you had a wonderful 5 days together and can't wait to see what you saw... I like the idea of day travel and sleep at home at night.. I just read your reply about the author and that makes more sense, it is not supposed to be beautiful but tell a story. I still don't care for it but I do understand it...

    1. I do agree with you Sandra, I don't find this mural attractive either. But after reading about the artist, I suppose that's also not what he's after, but more to make people wonder and discuss...


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