
Wednesday 11 September 2024

Evening Skies

During the heatwave we've had over the past two weeks or so (breaking old heat records for September - but it seems to be over now) it was much to hot to sit on my balcony in the afternoons (or even have the door open). But around sunset there were some interesting skies... 

I used my separate camera for all of the photos below; and they are straight out of the camera, with no editing. (Time = summer/daylight saving time.)

26.8 - 20:03

29.8 - 20:05

30.8 - 20:52

3.9 - 19:58


6.9 - 19:52


6.9 - 19:52

6.9 - 19:52

6.9 - 19:53


7.9 - 19:59

8.9 - 18:43

"Autumn glows upon us
like a splendid evening;
it is the very sunset of the year."

Mary Russell Mitford

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Linking to Mersad's Through My Lens Nr. 450

Through My Lens 


  1. Each one is SO different!! My favorite is the third from the bottom, gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Ginny. Yes, that evening one almost wondered if there was a fire going on somewhere closer than on the sun itself... ;-)

  2. Looks a bit changeable there, some photos are stormy looking, others are peaceful.

    1. Amy, yes, some evenings looked more dramatic than others.

  3. You know how much I love sunsets and sunrises (and looking at the sky in general), so this set of pictures was a special treat for me - thank you! A lot going on there.

    1. Meike, being able to catch sunset views like that from my balcony is a sign of the progress of autumn, in spite of the late heatwave we were having... (In summer the sun stays up too long for me to get photos like that from home.)

  4. Excellent photos Monica. By late afternoon our skies have often looked very similar to your overcast photos and last night looked really threatening. It's been too cloudy to enjoy the spectacular sunsets we often get, and which I love.

    1. Carol, here on the other hand there needs to be a certain amount of clouds - just not too many, or too thick! ;-)

  5. amazing views of the sunset and all without leaving home. I have to stand in the street to get sunset or sunrise. the last 3 are totally awesome photos. spectacular

    1. Sandra, it's only part of the year that I can (sometimes) get sunset views like that from home.


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