
Sunday 1 September 2024

Hello September


September is traditionally counted as an autumn month here, even if weather forecasts seem to indicate that in spite of a few yellowing leaves here and there, summer intends to go on for at least another ten days or so, with temperatures around 20-26'C (68-78'F), and only occasional rain showers.

Yesterday and today the weather has been very pleasant - sunny but not hot. Yesterday I walked into town once again, in spite of nothing but a glue stick on my shopping list. (I would have bought that the day before if I had known then that I needed it - but I didn't discover until that evening that my old one was all used up and needed replacing...). Stopped for an ice cream in the park on my way home; and took the photos above on my walk along the river.

Today I spent part of the (late) morning catching up with some correspondence (of the postcards and letters kind), and then after lunch went for a walk to post the results. 

On the radio I've been hearing people talking of the start of autumn as "Girly New Year" (Swedish: "tjej-nyår") - apparently something trending on TikTok at the moment. I don't use TikTok - but from the radio comments I understood it to refer to a trend that even I remember from my own school days: Just like we make new year resolutions at New Year, autumn is another time of Fresh Starts. As we go back to school or work after summer holidays, we also (perhaps especially girls??) tend to make new resolutions (about losing weight, eating healthier, studying more, or whatever). And to help us along, we tend to also like to get New Things... You know: new fresh school books, and pens and notebooks and and bags; and also some new autumn clothes, and shoes, and whatever...

Even though I'm now 69, I still feel it myself: It's in the very air, this time of year. The stationery I bought the other day is proof enough! And on top of that I'm also feeling a certain urge to go shopping for clothes etc. I have had a look in a few shops downtown but didn't see anything I really wanted (alas, so far we seem to be facing a rather "beige" autumn)... So a bus trip to the shopping malls across town may be coming up as well.


  1. Looking forward to seeing more of your Autumn colours.

    1. Amy, hopefully the autumn colours in the trees can wait for a bit longer... ;-)

  2. I know exactly what you mean, Monica! If I remember correctly, I have even written on my blog about how the start of a new month feels a bit like a "mini New Year" to me, and especially so in September.
    Similar to your part of the world, we are still having summer temperatures. But the signs of autumn are everywhere, if you look closely, and of course the hours of daylight have been dwindling in a way that can't be missed. Already I have to think about when to start my after-work walk, although I don't mind getting home in the dark - I just don't want to be out on the fields with no light, so as not to trip up.
    Yes, hello September!

    1. Meike, one of the things I like about this time of year is actually that while the days may still be quite warm, the nights get a bit longer (and cooler)... (I'd happily prolong early/mid autumn a bit if I could, compared to both high summer and mid winter!)

  3. The marigolds are such a lovely splash of colour and there is just the faintest hint of leaves turning in your photos.
    Here it's still more of the same and the September forecast is only slightly lower than August, so no appreciable respite from the heat yet. The humidity is set to be high too, so it will be unpleasant. There isn't a great deal of change between the seasons and autumn in a more northern climate is the one I miss. Today is overcast but still very warm.

    1. Carol, even if I wish winter here was shorter, I've never really had any longing to live all year round in summer climate.

  4. Love the marigolds in the first picture. I often have that happen to me where I'm at the store but don't realize until after I get home that I was out of something.
    I don't use TikTok either and I've not heard about Girly New Year. Sounds good to me.

    1. Ann, I imagine from what I've seen of your blog that you're the kind of Gal who'd happily take any excuse to buy new pencils and crayons etc too... ;-)

  5. gorgeous marigolds, oh no, not beige, browns and beiges are my least favorite colors. I try not to run out of things but always when I do, I find it out after i have just shopped. at least it gave you an unexpected outing, always for for us to see what you find

    1. Sandra, it was indeed the kind of day when I didn't mind at all going for en extra walk into town for just one small item... :)

  6. That 'back to school' feel in September never disappears does it? Despite it being over 50 years since I was anywhere near an educational establishment. Here, it has felt decidedly autumnal today: misty and moist, though not cold.

    1. Jenny, here on the other hand they're expecting us to break heat records for September this week!


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