
Wednesday 4 September 2024

Time is Out of Joint



Photos from a flowerbed in my neighbourhood, snapped about a week ago. I was surprised to see the pansies, as they are normally spring flowers!

A Shakespeare quote comes to mind: "The Time is Out of Joint"... (Hamlet)

Another proof of that is that today is 4 September, and in the southern parts of Sweden we are setting heat records for this time of year, with temperatures around 28-29'C (82-84'F)

Laundry day for me anyway, so I had a good excuse to just stay in. Even with the dryers going, the basement laundry room felt nice and cool compared to my balcony...


  1. It can be amazing how much cooler basements are! Pansies are one of my favorite flowers! They are a cool weather plant, so I am surprised they are up now with your heat.

    1. Ginny, my guess is that these are self-sown. And it's been a very odd summer with the hottest temperatures in May and now in September, while June through August weren't all that hot.

  2. we are seeing record heat here to, and Florida is always hot, not it is HOT HOT

    1. Sandra, I'd probably prefer our hot to your hot-hot!

  3. Pansies are bi-perennial plants

    1. Ro, my guess is these are self-sown from plants previously planted there.

  4. Before long, holidaymakers will opt for Sweden instead of The Canaries or Majorca. We won't tell them how icy cold The Baltic Sea is throughout the year.

    1. YP, don't forget to also not tell them that all kinds of seaside tourist services are likely to be closed if they arrive after 31 August...

  5. A lot of people in my wider circle of acquaintances have been going to Sweden, Norway and Finland for their holidays over the past few years, it is really becoming increasingly popular to spend the hottest part of the year Up North.
    Pansies are seen nearly all year round here, but maybe not as prominently as in your photos here.
    By the way, I can now see the constellation of Orion from my kitchen window at night - the surest sign that we have officially reached autumn, even if we still get temperatures of around 30C during the day.

    1. Meike, here there are too many streetlights nearby to be able to see any stars at night. (But the nights are still of course longer and with that also cooler than when it's hot in June-July.)

  6. Those pansies must be confused, but look so pretty and colourful!
    I can remember being in Sweden (in Värmland) in late August and we had 31ºC on our balcony. Quite an unusually high temperature for that far north. The following week we had the first overnight frost and I helped a friend cover her roses with fleece - which meant autumn had arrived!
    We have finally had rain here and there has been a 10º drop in temperature over the past week.

    1. Carol, yes, periods of warm weather at the end of August and beginning of September are not unheard of... Yesterday several official heat records for September were broken in several places in southern Sweden though.


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