
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Catching Up: Ice, Snow, Thaw, Slush…


Saturday 7th Dec: Clear, icy cold and slippery.
(More photos from the Christmas Market coming up soon for ‘Friday My Town’ in my Picture Book blog.)

CIMG8051  CIMG8047-001

Sunday 8th Dec: Snowing, snowing again, all day long. I stayed in, did not set even one foot outside.
(The bottle, if anyone is wondering, was bought at the Christmas Market and contains non-alcoholic mulled wine – “glögg” – made from Swedish wild berries. I’ve not opened it yet, but tasted some at the market.)


Monday 9th Dec: Sunny and thawing. Took the bus up to the hospital for my rehab… Judging by the amount of snow plowed up at the bus stops, one might think they were trying to get more patients! (We don’t have competing hospitals here though. There is only one in town, and it’s usually over-full.)


Today: Foggy and slushy… Had an appointment for a haircut, the salon is in a side-street across town.


Some day I think I shall have to do a special post on various kinds of winter footwear and ice-creepers…


  1. So did you cancel your appointment? Hey, I had been going to ask you abut walking. We have something called Yak Tracks. They are spikes with elastic on the so you can put the elastic around your shoes or boots. You can walk on a block of ice, and no slipping, the spikes just dig in. The only problem is...and I bet you already know soon as you get inside you have to take them off right away, or they will poke holes in the floor.

    1. No, I did not cancel. The last two photos are from the street where the hairdressing salon is. And yes I own various kinds of spiky thingys and boots - for better and for worse - that's why I'm thinking of doing a post on them...

  2. Hi ~ Enjoyed your frosty pictures and the wine and apples looks like a painting. Hope you're staying warm.

    1. Indoors I'm staying warm. Outdoors it's sometimes trickier...

  3. No snow here yet since that first light dusting at the start of the season. It's been almost spring-like during the day now, at 8 Celsius and with lots of sunshine. Which makes me fear we could be in for a very looooong winter, drawn out until May next year, and I'd rather have snow and ice now than then.
    A post about practical winter footwear would surely be good!

    1. We have warmer weather again and to my relief some of the sidewalks are almost bare again. I hope all of the snow and ice from last weekend will have time to melt away before we get more of it, as this was a paricularly bad round of failure to clear the streets by plowing...

  4. The first photo looks so inviting and the slush is not obvious. It's a fact of life though that if you get the lovely picturesque snow than it will be followed buy the yucky slush.

    1. If there does not seem to be any slush in the first photo, that's because there was no slush on Saturday, GB. That day was very cold, several degrees below zero all day. A good deal of snow, and some pavements glazed with hard, knobbly ice - but no slush. It was after the next snowfall that it turned slushy.

  5. i would love to see a post on your ice breaker shoes... get going, i am waiting. glad you did get to the rehab pool...


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