
Friday 6 December 2013

Toothache, Storm, Rain and Snow…

Is Time in a rush, or is it me getting slower and slower? – I think I’ll pass on trying to sort out the answer to that right now, or I’ll never catch up…

It did not help that on Wednesday evening I broke a tooth, which meant that on Thursday afternoon I had to go out in a rainstorm and spend the afternoon at the dentist’s. I’m very thankful that they managed to fit me in, though!

Actually, even the horrible weather sort of worked to my favour – as I had to take the bus; and not wanting to risk being late, I was early. (I had brought my Kindle – well wrapped in an extra plastic bag inside my other bag! – prepared to spend at least half an hour reading in the waiting room…) But as it turned out, when the nurse saw me, she called me in almost directly, as they had just had another cancellation.

As suspected, the extra time came in handy, since fixing my tooth turned out to be a Big Job. (The tooth in question already had a root filling, but to make a long story short I’m getting a new and better kind of cap fitted on it now. He did all the preparations and put in a temporary one yesterday; and I’ll get the proper one the week before Christmas.)


To the left: a reflex tag hanging on my backpack.
To the right: the same picture turned upside down…
(Put together as a collage in Picasa.)

Awful as the rainstorm yesterday afternoon was, at that point of day it was still ‘just’ rain (and wind) here – it had not yet turned to snow. I had on double layers of rainwear, though, and after the dental treatment, I sat down in the waiting room again… not leaving until I needed to in order to be sure to catch my bus…

Still, when I got home, it was off with all the cold wet clothes and into a hot shower! …

Before I went to bed at night, it had started snowing:



… and this morning I woke up to a frozen white world (which has not thawed during the day).


I’ve had no compelling reason to go out today though – so I’ve been perfectly  warm and snug inside.


However, from radio and TV news I learn that there have been major traffic problems in all of south Sweden ; hurricane winds along the coast, the Öresund bridge to Denmark closed, trains standing still again, roads blocked, trucks and buses and cars caught for hours on snowy roads (also near my town)… Worse this time than in the last storm earlier in the autumn, as it’s colder now.


  1. sorry to hear about your winter storms, they are lashing the middle of our country to right now.. you have your bright and cheery kitchen curtains and candles to brighten the day... glad you got the tooth repaired before it got icy out

    1. So am I, Sandra. And as I said to the dentist - better it happened now than on Christmas Eve!

  2. Yes, that was a good thing to get done and out of the way yesterday. Stay warm!

    1. PS I love the photos through your window. Such a novelty as it would never snow outside this house of mine.

    2. Thanks Katherine. Myself I'm beginning to feel a little repetitious, since it's my fifth winter of blogging... But then I remind myself that sometimes there are new readers dropping in! :)

  3. I love the cozy atmosphere in your home.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Thanks Mersad! Putting up the extra window lights and decorations in December does make it feel even more cosy to stay inside :)

  4. Your candles are so pretty! And I always enjoy when you show the plow from your window, this one looks almost like a dream in the twilight. I am SO glad you got there and back just before the storm set in!!! So this was a tooth that ha a previous root canal and a cap? I have had a lot of root canals and have a lot of caps. Some of mine are gold and some are tooth color. My dentist said the gold ones are the strongest but they are also very expensive. So I only have the gold ones on my major chewing teeth.

    1. I have no gold ones, Ginny, and so far it's never been suggested either. With this tooth I had half the original tooth and half a dentist-made one (that he created on the spot so to say, last time the tooth broke), but now that it broke again he decided to do it differently and I'll get a "whole" cap this time. He thinks this will keep the remains of the tooth together so that it won't break in half again. I've been a patient of his for 25 years and he's very good, I trust him.

  5. I was sorry to hear about your tooth problem. The storms in Europe really are making the news and I'm heartily glad that my house on Lewis appears to have survived. Spesh said that it was the worst storm she'd ever seen or heard but then she and Dave arrived on the Island two days after the hurricane of 2005.

    1. At least it did not cause me any major pain when the old filling broke, as the tooth was already root-filled... Just glad it happened mid-week rather than the weekend (or Christmas!) so that I could get help quickly, and from my regular dentist. - Good to hear your house on Lewis did not get damaged in the storm!

  6. Teeth! I am always hugely grateful for modern dentistry though, however unpleasant.

  7. Good to see you survived both the dentist and the storm.

    1. Thanks. Now there's snow and icy streets to struggle on with!

  8. Glad that you were able to get a quick appointment at the dentist to have your tooth least it's taken care of before the Christmas rush is on.
    Loved your window winter photos, but I especially love your flowering Christmas cactus.

    1. Yes Virginia, the cactus seems to know when it's time... :)

  9. There were severe hurricane warnings for the north of Germany on Thursday to Friday, all flights to Hamburg cancelled and many trains, too. All we got down here was a bit of wind, not even close to a storm, and about three or four snow flakes :-)
    Good to know you were able to stay in all day!
    Didn't you have a broken tooth not that long ago? Maybe you should start boiling your carrots before eating them raw :-)

    1. Or maybe I should get a juice-extractor and just put all my food through there! :) Actually Meike, this is the same tooth. (Or, to be accurate - it's one of two that broke back in late spring for me.) The dentist tried a 'simpler' solution back then, now we're trying another (involving more work and more money).

  10. Sorry about your tooth, you were lucky to get it taken care of so quickly. Stay safe and warm and read lots of good books.

    1. Thanks Janet. Been out sliding on icy streets today, but I think I'll stay in tomorrow...

  11. It's alright. I hope it wasn't too much of an ordeal for you. There are just some things you hurry up and mend, and then reinforce. Just about right, with the holidays around the corner. Wouldn't want your sweet tooth to miss the good meals. Stay safe!

    Lon @ Your Celebrity Smile


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