
Monday 10 November 2014

A Short Glimpse


Glimpses of the Sun have been very short and far between lately. This was yesterday morning ~9:30, on my way to the supermarket.

Most days now I don’t even think of bringing the camera when I go out on my errands. Besides the lack of light and colour in November, it’s rather difficult to handle the camera and an umbrella at the same time…




Now that looks better… Ah what possibilities we have these days to ‘upgrade’ (or fake) our memories…

Winking smile

Linking to…


  1. i can see in the first shot you still have green grass, which means it is not to to cold yet and no snow. i can understand the camera and umbrella, it is hard to carry them even when the sun is shining.

    1. True, we're still having 'mild' weather around here... It's been snowing further north in Sweden, quite a lot in some places, but here we've just had rain so far.

  2. Oh my gosh, these last two pictures!! Two is better, and three is the BEST! So this is probably why you have not been posting as much! I am glad that nothing is wrong and you are well.

  3. Well, the grass is very lush because of the rain, I suspect. Today is the first day in a few that we've had bright sunshine.

  4. I feel sorry for you having so little bright sunshine just now. Perhaps I can send some of mine your way. Breathe deeply and feel warmth on the back of your neck.
    It has been quite warm here and hot out bush. A German tourist died of the heat a few weeks back. A Belgian tourist had to be rescued by helicopter because of heat exhaustion last weekend. Another man disappeared in the desert near Alice Springs. The temperatures are around 50 degrees Celsius out bush, but people are on holidays and having such a relaxing time that they forget to take care. Sometimes people do not realise that help may take a very long time to reach them too. Or they can not be found.
    Here is the city it is lovely. About 34 most afternoons. About 26 overnight and sometimes storms as well. Mangoes and bats. Cruise liners from the northern hemisphere as wealthy tourists escape chilly weather. Tropical paradise.

    1. Although November is a rather bleak month here in Sweden, I don't think I'd really like to change with you, Louise. On the whole I think I'm better adjusted to +5 than to +50'C....

  5. Enjoy every last bit of sun you get, and try to create as much light as possible once the darkness rushes over. The bits of sun you do get are really wonderful.

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. I try to get out for a while in the daylight most days, Mersad, even when it's grey.

  6. Beautiful sun pictures. And I love your bright blue wallpaper...Your blog is so pretty.

  7. Your timing was them all♪

  8. Hej! Jag såg att du heter Monica, det gör jag också. Jag bor i Katrineholm.

    Vill du ha fler memen så kan jag bistå med det. Jag har ett som handlar om ljus. Dina fina bilder skulle passa in där. Vad gäller MOM så är min länk till mitt bidrag:


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