
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Once Upon A Time (1989)

Jul 1989_0002-002

At long last I’ve got started on the project of going through my mum’s photo albums from “the Kodak years”, comparing hers to my own – with the purpose of reducing the number of albums to keep.

Mum and I were both in the habit of making chronological scrapbook kind of albums, with photos glued on refill pages, and adding notes of who, what, where and when. Of course many photos from family get-togethers are the same or very similar to my own; and tourist photos from for example holiday trips mum and dad made on their own after I moved away from home are also of little interest. So what I’ve decided to do is to just keep certain photos and pages from her albums, and add those to my own.

Yesterday I was looking at 1989, and and among the “keepers” from that year I found the photo above, which I did not have in my own album.

The tiger feet slippers were a Christmas gift from my brother that year. I had forgotten about those; as well as the wild type of perm hairstyle I had back then!

Winking smile


  1. A fun image. You have a lot of work ahead of you!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. I love the photo and the look on your face. the slippers are to funny... great idea to merge the two albums

    1. If it were only two, Sandra, there would be no need :) I had about 45 photo albums of my own already, before adding 30 or so inherited ones to the collection!

  3. Love the slippers. When my Mother died my sisters and I divided up her photos.

  4. This is adorable! Were you actually able to wear them without falling on your face? Also, you are even prettier now!!

    1. I think those slippers were more for keeping the feet warm while sitting still watching TV, Ginny. Not very practical to walk around in... :)

    2. That was my first reaction - to worry if you had fallen flat on your face with them! But they look 'cool' and I bet they were warm.

  5. P.S. once your weather is starting to getting bad, it is a really good idea to do this. Who knows what you will find, but WE will reap the benefit!!

  6. Now you have reminded me that I really need to pay some attention to my albums. Would never cope if I had to cope with more. Love this photo! And I remember that sort of perm very well.

  7. I'm working on pictures too. What a job. You look so cute and cozy in the picture.

  8. You definitely look a bit thoughtful about those feet, as wellyou might!

  9. I hope we'll get to see many more pictures from your "Kodak years", Monica!
    1989 is, of course, a lot in German media right now. 25 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down and something happened that many (including myself) did not think possible - the two Germanies became one again. (More or less, some would argue.)

    1. The Swedish media have reminded us about that anniversary as well, Meike. I've never been to Berlin neither before nor after, but in the summer of 1990 I went on a bus trip to Germany and Austria and one thing I remember that we noted on the roads (as a result of the Wall coming down) was a lot of Trabant cars about!

  10. A funny and cute photo, but still looks like you.

    1. I'm finally caught up with your blog again.

    2. Thanks for catching up, Virginia :) I think I have now published all the comments coming in on older posts too.


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