
Saturday 15 July 2017

More Lakeside Views

As longtime readers of this blog may have guessed (at least one person did!), the lake in yesterday's post is one that has appeared before on my blog. However, the photos I have shown from there in the past will have been from the northern end of the lake - close to where my parents had their house. Because over the years that I've been blogging (since 2009), if I wanted to gaze at this lake, that's where I went. I.e. until my brother and I sold that house in the autumn of 2014. (Mum died in 2009, dad in 2011, and we kept the house three more summers after that - because we could, and there was so much stuff to sort out.)

After we sold, no regrets. But I do occasionally miss the nature around there. Of course it's still possible to revisit that beach and nature reserve area, but not very (or not at all...) convenient for me to go there by bus and on my own now. No café at that beach, and only temporary (mobile) toilets put up in the summer. And the proper village with shops etc is another 2 km or so away. 

So... This summer, I was happy to learn that recent changes in the bus routes in the city included a new bus to take me (much more smoothly than before) to the southern end (=city end) of that same lake; where they do have a café (and toilets). (There are also picnic tables and benches if you want to bring your own food.)

On Thursday this week, I decided to try this out, as it seemed (and was) a good day for it: 19-20°C, a few fluffy clouds in the sky but mostly sunny, and no rain in the forecast. 15 minutes ride from my nearest bus stop - and I found myself transported to a very different scenery.

  Old barn house close to the bus stop.

  Close-up of the gable.

Wooden fence surrounding the beach area - which has more lawns than sandy beach. (Sand only closest to the water.)

 Café seen from the entrance.

 Looking back in the other direction.

  And from down by the lake.

Additional outdoors restaurant & bar platform with roof.
(I think mostly used for special bookings.)

I wanted to get a closer look at that boat in the background, so I decided to walk round to the left (west) side of the lake first.

It is called Svanen = The Swan, named after a steam boat that was used on this lake back in 1892. This is not the same boat (and not a steam one) but this one too was built back in the 1880s. It was brought here and renamed in 2001. Since then it has been used for tourist tours on the lake in summer. Just now I think only available for special bookings, though. It's 15 m long and 3,7 m wide.

There are lots of summer cottages and allotments in the vicinity, and probably some all-year-round houses too. And lots of small boats.

Evidence of permanent or at least seasonal residence!

More photos to follow another day.


  1. What a beautiful view from another side of the lake. I like the fact that there are facilities there for you to use-that really makes an ideal outing. Thanks for sharing your little piece of the world with us. xo Diana

    1. Thanks Diana. Yes, at this time of life I do tend to prefer "safe" adventures rather than just going off into the complete Unknown :)

  2. What a beautiful place for a picnic. My husband would have his fishing rod out in a second.

    1. Janet, I saw people fishing in the river nearby (which flows out into the lake).

  3. so glad they made this beautiful place on your bus ride, now in summer you will have an outdoor place to visit with the comforts of city living at the end of the ride. I like that old boat a lot. so peaceful and quiet and a perfect place to sit and eat and watch that peace and quiet.

    1. Sandra, from my point of view this new bus route is perfect. I suspect people in certain other parts of town might not agree - but that's their problem, and not mine, for a change! (LOL) I hope to make use of it a few more times before summer is over.

  4. Since there are so many cottages there now, it is a great thing that it has been built up so nicely. Kind of like a nature/beach park. And how grand that you can visit when you feel like it now! That fence is very unusual, I have never seen one like it. The pine trees behind the barn house are gorgeous, like a painting. And of course you chose a beautiful day to visit. The cafe looks lovely, and brand new. How I would love to sit in there with you, and a coffee and muffin. The boat is fabulous, I wish the owner would paint the name on it so all could see.

    1. Ginny, the whole ridge behind the barn house is a nature preservation area, and the lake is a water protection area as well. That kind of wooden fence is/was very common here. (Well, perhaps nowadays replaced with electric wire where there is cattle!)

  5. It must be nice to have a summer house there, and spend weekends on/near the lake! How lucky for you that the bus route has been changed, and lucky for us - that way, we get to see this beautiful area.

    1. Thanks Meike. I hope to go back again before the summer is over. But whether that happens or not (depending on weather and whatever), I kept my camera very busy on my first two visits... So more summery pictures to come! :)

  6. A café (and toilets - very important!) and that scenery and a good bus service and in your shoes I'd be popping out there quite a lot but then you know me and coffee stops!

  7. I can imagine you enjoying this spot, Graham :)

    1. Yes. I think you know me pretty well by now.


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