
Sunday 16 July 2017

Postcards for the Weekend: Places of Worship

160727 GB-801133

Salisbury Cathedral
Postcrossing card from England, July 2016

Thatched Church

Thatched Church, Freshwater, Isle of Wight
(From John in England, March 2014)
"The church of St. Agnes, with its unusual but attractive roof of thatch,
was built in 1908 on a site given by Lord Tennyson, whose father,
the poet, used to live at nearby Farringford."

160222 FR-649511

Clermont-Ferrand, Auvergne, France
Cathédral Notre Dame de l'Assopmtion

Postcrossing card from France, February 2016


Holy Cross Church in Vileika, Minsk region
Postcrossing card from Belarus, March 2015


Phoenix Hall of Byodoin Temple, Kyoto
Postcrossing card from Japan, September 2013

Postcards for the Weekend

Postcards for the Weekend: Places of Worship


  1. very nice, I like number 2 best I think, hard to decide

  2. A thatched roof on a church does look unusual! But I love those curves, as well as the very different curves of the Japanese temple.

  3. Always enjoy your postcards. We visited Kyoto in March, didn't see this lovely place though.

  4. I love these churches! And the little poem about the first one. But my very favorite has to be the little thatched one! That is a place I could actually see Jesus praying and eating with the congregation. These large palace type of churches are wonderful and beautiful, but I believe the humble ones are more inviting and about humility.

  5. I've never before seen a thatched church, but of course - why not? My favourite places of worship are Ripon Cathedral (surprise, surprise!) and the Ulm Minster.

  6. It's really weird - for the umpteenth time - that I find myself back at a post I've read and was sure I'd commented upn. What had actually happened was that I arrived at the second photograph and got sidetracked because I'd read about the thatched church on another blog and wondered how that person was. Then I noticed that the postcard was from the person sitting an arms length away from me and then we started discussing the rhyme on the Salisbury Cathedral PC. And so it went on. And now, days later, I'm back. I've only seen the cathedrals at Salisbury and Clermont-Ferrand of those shown but I suppose 2 out of 5 worldwide isn't too bad.

  7. I have always wondered why some churches have very high spires ... the thatched church from Isle of Wight is the first of its kind that I saw. It's so thoughtful of you to include a temple from Japan!


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