
Monday 28 January 2019

Tempted or Tried?

It's been snowing non-stop for two days. Yesterday, I went into hibernation and did not set foot outdoors. Today (still snowing, but less windy) I decided to venture out for a little while anyway - for exercise, some snowy pictures, and to post a snail mail postcard... As for the ice cream sign, it was truly only the photographer in me that felt tempted by it today! ;-) 




  1. You were brave to venture out! I can eat ice-cream in any weather, it is my comfort food. Was the shop open? Too bad there are no soup shops for cold weather to balance the ice-cream in hot weather. Or are there?

  2. They sell more than just ice cream, so yes it was open. I don't think this particular shop sells anything hot but there are of course other places that do - hot dogs, burgers, coffee... Not sure about soup-to-go, though!

  3. You sure were brave to get outside! Must say, that's a cute sign! I do love snow and guess that's because we don't see it often in our part of Texas. I just told my husband last night at dinner, we need to go somewhere where we can see snow! Stay warm and nice to find your blog.
    Waving from Texas,

    1. Nice to "meet" you Nancy! (I just paid a visit back to your blog too)

  4. I am with Ginny, ice cream is good no matter the weather. cute sign and I would have grabbed that shot also... I see the 10.00 on the post card box. wow does it cost a lot to mail things now.

    1. Sandra, the 10.00 on this postbox means it is emptied at 10.00 am (Mon-Fri) The current foreign postage here at the moment is 21 SEK = 2,3 USD. And yes, that often does seem like rather a lot for a postcard. (On the other hand, considering all the transport involved - perhaps not!)

  5. We've just had two days of beautiful sun and crisp frosty mornings. I'm hoping for something similar tomorrow because I've got to be out early for appointments. The snow you have wouldn't be welcome however beautiful it is!

    1. Sunny day here today (and still cold)... Hope it was for you, too!

  6. Would that be a SNOW cone? It has been snowing like crazy here, too. A blizzard really--snow up to the windows and blowing like crazy. It is below ZERO fahrenheit here, too. ugh
    I hope you have a god week, Dawn.

    1. I always have to check conversion tables for F vs C temperatures ... but I do know that 0 F is a LOT colder than 0 C... so "brrrr"!!!

  7. Reading all of you that live in snow areas makes me shiver. I think it beautiful, but being a Native Californian my blood must be very thin.HaH. We had a beautiful day today, and I noticed a few blooms budding on the tree outside our balcony. I take a picture.

    1. Sounds lovely, Wanda. Here, spring seems very far away just now!

  8. You have more snow than we do (as usual); yesterday, the weather just could not decide whether it wanted to rain or snow. Today is dry and I can even see bits of blue in the sky.
    I agree with what the others say about ice cream - but if I am to eat it in the colder season, it has to be indoors as a dessert after a hot meal, not just ice cream on its own while walking in town. That definitely does NOT tempt me when temperatures are below 25 Celsius!

    1. Meike, this is the most snow we've had so far this winter. Sunny today, though, which helps to appreciate it a bit more, even if it still also means "trouble" for both traffic and pedestrians... :)


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