
Tuesday 29 January 2019

The Difference the Sun Makes

While yesterday the snow seemed rather depressing against the background a dark grey sky, today showed the sunny side of winter:

The snow plows have been busy the last couple of days.

Some old houses in the neighbourhood. I think I've read somewhere that the big house on the top of the hill once belonged to a wealthy factory owner, back in the early days of textile industry in the city. And I assume (although I don't really know) that the two buildings below maybe belonged to the same estate as well.


 The old cemetery where I often go walking. (I love all the big old trees there...)


Our World Tuesday


  1. Wow, beautiful sunny snow pictures! My favorites are the second, with the beautiful blue sky against the white and houses. Next favorite is the next to last, that looks like a weeping willow.

    1. The tree with the hanging branches is a birch.

  2. Dawn, those are all wonderful photographs! I love snow! The 6th photo with the sun shining on that gorgeous tree is really unique and beautiful!
    Stay warm~

  3. Hurray for winter. I like those icy trees.

  4. Beautiful pictures! Snow is nice when it is like that, not the grey-brown sludge it turns into here in town almost immediately.
    The last picture is my favourite of this lot. That garden gate looks enchanted!

    1. The snow does add a magic touch to most things when it's like this, Meike :)

  5. the sun makes the snow in to art. all are beautiful, my favorites are of the cemetery.


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