
Wednesday 13 February 2019

1000 Days of Duolingo


Yes, I'm still keeping up my daily language lessons! I think my last report here was from 900 days; today the number 1000 turned up on my screen... Worth celebrating!

My main focus is still on Spanish. (At least one lesson every day.) However, what feels like my main achievement over the past 100 days is probably that I've managed to complete the basic "tree" (first level) of lessons in both Welsh and Russian. I didn't really think I'd get there with either of those languages! Before anyone gets too impressed, though, you should know that a lot of the Duolingo lessons consist of exercises like pairing English/foreign words together, or putting a number of words in the right order, etc. I'm still having trouble even with the Russian alphabet (even if I'm getting better at it). In Welsh, I'm also still struggling with very basic stuff.

I'm fascinated by languages in general, and also by the learning process... With Duolingo I have not "studied" the way one did in school. In fact, I see it more as relaxation - like playing a game. And yet one learns...


  1. Good Afternoon Dawn. I am impressed!! My dear friend Kris, of over 70 years spent her adult life as a Missionary Bible Translator with Mycliffe. Her husband and her spent 30 some years in Oxaca Mexico and translated the New Testament into Zapotec. A language that had never been written. They had to begin with square one in forming an alphabet. Some people, I think, are gifted with the ability of linquistics. Since I live in a complex 90% Spanish. I should learn. However, the younger generations speak English.

    1. Wanda, back in my teens/youth I was very impressed with the Wycliffe organization and their work. I read one or two books about it. But while linguistics as such intrigued me, and still does, I could never see myself living that kind of life. I guess I lack the adventurous spirit that must also be involved!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ginny. I have to admit I'm a little bit impressed myself. Just as with blogging, and with postcrossing, I had NO idea when I first tried duolingo, that I'd actually be sticking to it for years ahead!

  3. Just the other day I was talking about you and your language lessons via an app on your mobile phone with a friend over coffee. He is going to walk part of the Jacobs-Weg (sorry, can't think of the proper term in English right now) in May and is learning Spanish with Babbel, a language app probably similar to duolingo, and I mentioned that I have a friend in Sweden who is learning several languages that way.

    1. Meike I know about that pilgrim's route, El Camino de Santiago. I've seen documentaries on TV + a friend or two of mine have walked parts of it too. As for the app Babbel I've seen ads about it but haven't tried it, as it is a pay-app - while Duo is free and has worked well enough for me... (But mind you, I've never yet really tried my Spanish on a living person...)

  4. I'm ashamed to say that I tried Duolingo a few years ago but by that time I really didn't need any more language expertise. I would love to have been able to speak more than one language fluently but I have no natural ability and it was hard work. Years previously I had used Linguaphone and Michel Thomas to some benefit. So much to do and so little time!

    1. No shame involved in trying something and then deciding it's not 'your cup of tea', Graham! (or at least not your priority at the moment) ;) For me, it was really just another thing I tried on a whim, but found myself getting caught up in, without any special goal in mind. Just curious to see how it worked; and if my brain was still up for learning new things. I guess Postcrossing helped increase the motivation a bit, too. But I also feel it has made me think more about the difficulties immigrants and refugees must be facing - coming here from perhaps a very different culture and language background, and having to struggle with learning Swedish.

  5. congrats on your 1000 days and all these words you have learned and are still learing

    1. Thanks Sandra. Always liked playing with words... ;)

  6. I did'nt know that even existed, I might look into it myself.


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