
Saturday 13 April 2019

The Easter Tree

Walked into the city centre today and found that the Easter Tree had been put up as usual on the main square. I don't remember which year this tradition started, but those who have been following my blog for a number of years will probably remember having seen it a few times before. I like how the second photo of the tree came out, with the fluffy clouds in the sky gathered around it! 

 I still haven't got used to the remodeled shopping mall on the left, now with luxury flats added on top... (It's the fashion here at the moment, adding extra storeys on top of existing buildings....)

Scilla (I think) in bloom in the park

SkyWatch Friday


  1. What a great tradition (and beautiful sky shots)!!

  2. Beautiful little blue flowers. And I agree about the second picture. The first thing I noticed was the gorgeous sky! Is that a mural on the building? Is it an advertisement, or artistic decoration? I would not mind living over a shopping mall!!

  3. I like the easter egg tree, wish we had one here. The new buildings though to me look kinda strange compared to the other old buildings in the background, sort of like old and new together.

  4. that tree is beautiful and I like both shots of it.. a great idea to be able to add more flats in the same space. it does sort of look like an add on though..

  5. They definitely look like scilla to me, Monica.
    As for adding storeys on existing buildings, this is something our towns and cities are looking into at the moment, too. And why not? The land is already built up anyway, and we desperately need more flats - although more of the affordable kind, not more luxury apartments.

  6. I don't thing I've seen any buildings here with bits added on top but that may be me going around with my eyes closed. It sounds like a good idea in principle though.


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