
Friday 12 April 2019

Things Going On

I have learned this week that there are things going on "behind my back" that I did not know about.

For one thing, having a new tablet to explore (see previous post) is very educational. One of my discoveries while downloading and checking apps on the new device is that in Google Photos, I had immediate access there to photos taken with my phone. 

This made me go to the computer later and check Google Photos there as well. Then I got confused at first, because there I found different photos, which seemed to be camera photos I used on my blog in the past - but not the most recent ones, and not those from my phone. A bit of thinking required... 

But then it hit me that I use two different accounts, and each of them has their own set of photos. On the computer I also use two different browsers (to save me from the trouble of logging in and out of certain places). One Google Photos account has the photos from my mobile phone. The other seems to have been collecting photos I used when blogging via Open Live Writer. However, some time back around New Year, I ran into problems with OLW (for some reason, it wouldn't post to Blogger). So I switched to preparing posts directly in Blogger, and have kept on doing that since. And those photos seem not to get stored in Google Photos. (I haven't been bothered to check OLW for a while, but did so just now, and it seems to be working again. But I'm writing this in Blogger as I've kind of got used to that again. Too many decisions just now...) Strikes me that possibly that's got something to do with Blogger leaving Google+ (?). But as I never joined G+ in the first place, I haven't bothered to explore much what's involved in that. (Neither have I tried to dig deeper into which of all my photos from the past ten years that are stored in the Cloud or not...)

Phew. I felt I'd had enough of the digital world for a while and went out for a walk. I decided to walk some streets/paths where I hadn't walked all winter; and it turned out I was in for another surprise. When I last went that way, a certain path down by the river would take me past a tennis court, and a club house. Now both the tennis court and the club house are gone, and at the moment the area looks like an odd kind of desert (with a few park benches planted). But it's probably going to be an open park with generous lawn areas.

Anyway, when I got back from my walk... I was able to access these phone-photos directly from my computer.



  1. Well if you use an Androin Moble which your logged int it will link up with your tablet. Google photos saves all the blog photos you use as well. I put Google photos on my Iphone and my photos off they upload to it.

    1. Hi Billy - not sure I've seen you here on my blog before, so welcome :) The reason I never gave much thought to Google Photos before is that I use a different account for this blog than I do for my mobile devices. On the blog, I also mostly use photos from my separate camera. So it wasn't until I got the new tablet and saw the mobile photos turn up there that it hit me that of course, I must be able to access the mobile photos in Google Photos on the computer too. I just don't see them in the same place with my blog photos as they are stored on two different accounts...

  2. You sure are more advanced in your computer skills than I am! But it looks like you are getting nice surprises. You are right in your description of a strange desert. Now you can watch the progress of the park.

    1. Yes, I'll go back in summer and check if there's any grass growing! :)

  3. the reason I take so many photos with my phone, is I don't have to download from a camera, these just magially appear, cell phone and tablet. you will find if you use your tablet to take photos, they will go there also...

    1. Sandra, I can't really see myself using the tablet for photos much (as I'm unlikely to carry it around with me a lot). But I'm happy to have realized that I don't have to use a cord or other roundabout ways any more to transfer photos from the phone to the pc. I often bring my separate camera when I go out for walks though (and to transfer those photos to the pc I can just take the memory card out of the camera and put that into the pc and copy, so that's not much trouble).

  4. It sounds like Google has caught up with Apple where everything appears on every device seamlessly.


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