
Thursday 6 June 2019

Swedish National Day Celebration

Sweden's National Day is celebrated on 6 June in honour of two historical events: Gustav Vasa being elected king 6 June 1523, and the adoption of a new constitution 6 June 1809. 

This year offered a really warm and sunny day for it; which  meant that quite a lot of people turned up for our public celebrations in the park. Me & camera included! 

It's a good opportunity for "people watching"... But I try not to get too personal with the photography - taking most of the pictures from a distance or from behind. (Only zooming in on those up on the stage...) 


Parade coming from the other side of the river...


The children's choir is from the municipal music school.

SkyWatch Friday 


  1. So many beautiful flags. And oh my goodness, I love the horse and carriage! The carriage looks like when you get static on T.V., none of the picture matching up. What is that big yellow sculpture across the way, have I seen it before? Card on the way, and I forgot to date it, as usual. Posted it yesterday.

    1. The blue horse and carriage is Vibration by Xavier Veilhan.
      You can also see it (for example) here
      (It was in another location when first introduced.)
      The yellow sculpture is Declination by Tony Cragg.
      You can also see it (for example) here

  2. I'm intrigued now about this Gustav Vasa, will go some research on him. He must've been pretty special.

    1. Also known as Gustav I of Sweden :) Won't be too difficult for you to find him, I think!

  3. Perfect weather for it!
    We've had the Horse Market Parade last Sunday, it was rather hot so that most of the watching crowd were seeking shade whereever available. It was a great event, like every year.

    1. Looking forward to photos on your blog then! (if you had your camera with you)

  4. i do the same as you do when shooting pics of public people. i really like the horse and buggy and the 4 men with backs to the camera

    1. Sandra, I took X photos of those young men until I finally got one with their flag in upright position!

  5. Looks like a fun day and a great turnout. Nice to have those blue skies!

  6. It looks like a great, well attended holiday!!

  7. Trevlig nationaldagen! Love the flowers.

  8. That horse and carriage sculpture looks so beautiful! Blues and yellows look perfect together, Sweden!


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