
Sunday 12 January 2020

Keeping the Celebrations Going

The past week somehow swept by very quickly... Monday was a holiday, followed by three weekdays involving various errands and things to do at home; and then this weekend I've had my brother visiting - with Saturday also being his birthday. The weather was grey, wet and and windy (again), so not encouraging much outdoor activity. But we drove across town to the same art museum that I visited last weekend. My brother had never been there before. For my own part (as I mentioned last week) I got an annual pass there as a Christmas present... So might just as well grab another opportunity to make use of that! So we spent a while there, looking at both temporary and permanent exhibitions; and afterwards we had lunch at a nearby cafĂ©/restaurant. (It wouldn't exactly go on my top ten list of culinary experiences - but it was convenient, and a break from having every meal at home.) 

Most of the art shown at this museum are photographs and prints in limited editions; but they also have some award-winning original large works of textile art - which are my favourites.

With the rainy weather, we also ended up watching three films this weekend (on DVD)... Two "oldies" (comedies from the early 1990s) starring Bill Murray - Groundhog Day, and What About Bob. And then Paddington 2 (2017), which (for a change) my brother hadn't seen. (Generally, he's the superior cineast - not just comparing the two of us, but probably among all my friends...)

All in all, sort of an extra Christmas/New Year kind of weekend...


  1. What a lovely time! I'm sure the textiles would be my favorite exhibitions, too.

  2. Haven't visited for a while. My dearest has had health issues, the last being a stroke on Christmas Eve. But there was no paralysis, just considerable weakness on his right side. He is getting stronger every day. Now I feel like I can get on the computer again, and do some blogging. I love the movies you mentioned. Could see them over and over.

    1. Sorry to hear your husband had a stroke, Wanda. Hope the new year will be better for you both.

  3. Nice to spend your brother's birthday as brother and sister, I like that kind of day with my sister, too.
    Same here about last week, which was "short" because of the Monday being a holiday. Work started at a rather quiet pace but is definitely picking up this week.

    1. Meike, my brother's birthday has often been kind of neglected through the years, as it is so close to Christmas. (Mine, on the other hand, was the same as our dad's; so never "just mine" either!) Well this year at least P's day got celebrated on the right date and all! :)

  4. sounds like the two of you had a great visit no matter the weather. the pass to the museums is a wonderful gift that keeps on giving.

  5. Even though I am English and spent much of my life teaching English, you have introduced me to a new word today - "cineast". Thank you.

    1. YP, maybe the word cineast has become more used in Swedish than in English. I did look it up before using it here, not feeling sure whether it was also used in English. A loan from French, it seems.

  6. I have seen Groundhog Day many moons ago in New Zealand. Like, YP, I have a reasonable vocabulary but I had not heard the word 'cineast' either. As I know one (who was a teacher and is a grammar warrior) I shall test it out on him. Secretly I really hope he's never heard of it.

    1. Graham, 'Groundhog Day' is an old favourite of mine which I (re)bought on BRD a couple of years ago. Somehow always right for a day when one happens to feel snowed in (even if in this case, it was raining outside and not snowing)... I'm not sure whether I first got 'cineast' from English context or if the word has for some reason become more popular in Swedish.

  7. I've seen groundhog day once I think, can't remember much of it. We have an art gallery here, a small one but maybe I should visit it.


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