
Thursday 16 January 2020

Something Has To Go

In Sweden, it's customary to throw out the Christmas tree on January 13th; also known as St Knut's Day. I'm not sure the roots of the tradition really goes any deeper than Knut rhyming with ut in Swedish - which is the Swedish word for "out"...

Anyway, after my brother left on Sunday, and before doing anything about "throwing out" my own little Christmas tree (or rather, in my case, packing it up and putting it back in storage again for the next 11 months), I went out for a walk. It was another grey day and I wasn't expecting to see anything exciting, so didn't bother to bring my separate camera. But as it turned out, I was glad that I had at least brought my mobile! :)


From my unexpected finds, I could only draw the conclusion that if you have no Christmas tree to throw out, some people seem to think you have to throw out something else instead...

Inspired, for St Knut's Day I decided to finally do something about my Giant Geranium - which had been doing its very best to stop me from trying to throw it out before Christmas...

21 December 2019

13th January 2020
... but by January 13th seemed to have finally resigned to the idea that perhaps a little trim might be a good idea after all...

Remains to be seen whether it will recover from the rather radical tree surgery I ended up giving it.


  1. I hope it survives, it looks beautiful all diced up. I am thinking it will grow.. the little hat tree IS a tree thrown out. ha ha...

  2. The first ??? seems to be a piece of green flexible drain pipe with a plant in a plantpot (the last point being a statement of the obvious). As to why ??? The second ??? is, I think, a headband but why anyone would wander around with a Christmas tree on a headband, heaven alone knows. Good luck to the geranium.

    1. Graham, my question marks were indeed more about the "whys" than the "whats" ;) The green pipe was one of many sticking up along a new pavement (job in progress) - this was the only one with a plant in it, though ;) The headband thingy was on a bush along one of the paths in the graveyard. I suppose it may have been dropped by one person (child?) and found by another who hung it on the bush instead. Actually the headband was still there today when I walked past there again!

  3. I think it looked good nice and tall. It had lots of pretty pink blooms. But maybe this way, you will get many more. I would be tempted to take that plant you found outside, it looks lovely!

    1. Ginny, the geranium was still looking good before Christmas. Three weeks later, however, it had given up blossoming and was just looking too tall for its own good... ;)

  4. Very interesting surprise finds!
    Your geranium will thrive again, I am sure. They are a rather hardy lot, aren't they.

    1. Yes Meike, I agree geraniums are often quite hardy. It's difficult nursing too many of them in a small flat over winter, though :) I have two more that I kept from last summer, hidden behind a curtain. But they are not as tall, and neither did they keep producing flowers for so long! This tall one was too big for my windows already when I first took it (back) in when we had the first frosty nights in autumn. But as it happily kept on blooming month after month, I just couldn't bring myself to cut it down (until now, when the last flowers had withered).


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