
Thursday 12 March 2020

Keep Calm and Count Crocuses

Just putting in a quick(?) post to show that I'm still "here" - and have managed to escape the dreaded virus so far. Meanwhile, since last week, the number of corona/Covid19 cases has kept increasing rapidly in Sweden as well as in a lot of other countries. Here, it has now spread to every region of Sweden and is probably no longer limited to only people who caught it abroad. So the authorities have raised the precautions, even if not yet to the same extent as some other countries. Schools are still kept open here; but all gatherings involving 500 people or more have been banned. Some places like old people's homes are closed to visitors; and anyone coming down with any type of symptoms is urged to stay home from work. 

For my own part, I have no job or other "duties" to worry about these days (and currently also no symptoms of virus infection). But I sort of put myself in semi-quarantine anyway this week - trying to basically keep away from all unnecessary risks. I've been out on walks for air and exercise, but have avoided shops and getting together with other people (I had no such plans anyway). I ordered groceries online, and had no need to go anywhere else.

So - one day/week at a time; but just at the moment I'm not really worried for myself, but more for others who are faced with a lot more serious daily challenges and choices related to this situation. So I do follow the news a lot more than usual, as there have been constant updates and press conferences all week. And in a situation like this, I think it's important to keep updated with the advice from one's local and national authorities rather than trusting every article and tip from unknown sources passed around in social media.

The weather today has been awful - strong wind (storm at the coast I think), combined with rain and slush. I managed to get out for a very short walk in the afternoon though (during a short break in the rain), and then I saw the crocuses above, growing quite close to where I live. They reminded me that in spite of everything, spring is on its way!  


  1. You share such pretty crocuses, they promise spring. I am a senior and am doing much as you since two days ago. I cancelled a lunch with friends tomorrow and did not go to Bible study today. I am doing my best to avoid the dreaded coronavirus. Be well.

    1. Thanks Terra. The weather and the corona situation seem to be equally unpredictable just now - changing from one day to the next!

  2. I am glad you are taking precautions! Stay safe, my friend!! Beautiful color of crocus.

    1. Thanks Ginny. I'm glad to have kept symptom-free so far, as then at least I'm not completely confined to staying indoors.

  3. Look at my current post for signs of spring, Monica - it's not only on its way here, but has arrived (earlier than most years)!
    Like you, I stick to the motto "Keep calm and carry on" but have made small adjustments in my daily life. For instance, I still go to work and I do not panic-shop, but I do not shake hands at work or other gatherings and avoid hugging and kissing my parents. For my Dad, covid-19 would very likely be fatal, what with his general state of (un-)health. He is the person I worry most about.
    I do not intend to cancel my birthday party next weekend, and this weekend, I'll travel to O.K.'s just as planned.
    You are right to look at your local authorities and not trust the 'weird & wonderful' news and advice spread on social media.

    1. I hope your weekend went as planned, Meike!

  4. I have quite a lot of croci in my bulb bed but they have definitely been ravaged by the storms we have had. This morning the sun is shining out of a cloudless sky but the wind is still strong and bitingly cold.

    1. Graham, the weather here is very "moody" as well. Spring one day, back to winter the next etc.

  5. we are keeping calm, staying out of crowds and restaurants, exercising and eating right and praying this thing will calm down before long. it is in all but 2 of our states, and here in our town..

    1. Sandra, the pandemic-related news keep changing so quickly now that it's hard to keep up from one hour to the next!


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