
Saturday 7 March 2020

Laugh, and be jolly - Sepia Saturday 510

While Alan's prompt picture (below) shows jolly people on a beach, I managed to find a group of people being jolly in spite of colder climate. It's another photo from my mum's childhood album - which I have continued to explore a bit, together with her memories written down many years later in a separate notebook. 

The photo is from 1933, and mum is the little girl sitting furthest to the right on the wheel barrow, three years old. The photo was taken at the farm where she and her parents were living back then. My grandparents were not farmers (my grandfather was a teacher), but  rented a flat in a house at that farm (~1932-39).  There were no other small children in the neighbourhood for my mum to play with; but the couple who owned the farm had four grown up ones - two sons and two daughters. The jolly people with my mum in this photo are those four young adults, plus three visiting friends. 

Sepia Saturday 510

Sepia Saturday


  1. The picture is certainly jolly but the chap doing a backward crab is more supple than I have ever been in my life.

    1. Graham, his "impossible" pose + the stack of wood in the background were what drew my eyes to this photo (which in the album is very small)

  2. So awesome to have these family photos, I often wish I had more of mine.

    1. Amy, I kind of have "too many" (especially from dad's side) but somehow I've managed to make room for them, so far...

  3. These people REALLY knew how to have fun! Wonder what that pile of stuff is behind them? The man in front is really agile!

  4. I love both of these, I have not seen many jolly or even smiling photos from those years. good job

    1. Thanks Sandra. Yes they look like they were having fun, don't they! :)

  5. Those are really wonderful old pictures, Dawn. It is fun to reach into our pasts and see faces that we know and many that we don't know.

    1. Diana, the more one starts to notice details, the more intriguing it gets, sometimes!

  6. What a fun picture! Happy people just naturally make you smile. Nice going!

  7. A very jolly group of people indeed! I wonder who the photographer was, maybe your Mum's father?

    1. Meike, I don't know who took the photo - mum's notes don't say anything about that. I'm not sure if her parents even had a camera of their own back then.

  8. I know these young people had a say in how they were setting up for this photo...each with an implement that gives a story...the back bending fellow does catch one's eye and then I noticed the ax, the shovel, the hammer on pole!

    1. Well spotted, Barbara. Mum mentions the tools in her "who's who" notes to the photo, but does not give any comment on the situation as such. My guess is that perhaps they had all contributed in one way or another to that big stack of wood behind them. But that's just a guess. Maybe they were just pretending!

  9. A great photograph of a Group having fun. - just as in the prompt photo.

  10. It almost looks as though the farm produce firewood given the huge piles of wood no only directly behind the main people in the photo but also further behind stacked in what looks like very straight lines.

    1. You've got a point there, Sandra. My mum does not mention the firewood in her notes, only who the people in the photo are. I just assumed the background was also the farm where they lived.

  11. Jolly, yes. But my first impression was a tableau from some horror movie of driving a stake through some monster. With spade, saw, and mallet ready for the burial. Hope I'm wrong but it doesn't look that improvised. A Swedish folk tale maybe?


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