
Monday 13 April 2020

A Strange Easter

It's been a rather strange Easter. For my own part, I felt like Good Friday and Easter Eve kind of changed places: Friday was sunny and warm and springlike, and when I went for a walk into town in the afternoon there were quite a few people about, and shops and cafés were open etc. So the atmosphere that day was quite festive (more like Easter Eve), even though I did not get together with any friends or family. 

On Easter Saturday, the weather changed to cloudy with very chilly winds, and later also rain. I went for a walk in the opposite direction from town, and hardly met anyone at all. Nor were there any people to be seen outside in the afternoon/evening, because of the cold and wet weather.

I'm pretty sure it's not the first Easter I've spent alone; but what felt very odd about this year was knowing that even church services were cancelled - or had switched to online broadcasting, with only priests and deacons and musicians participating in the actual church. I did watch two such local online services (Friday and Sunday); and while that felt rather weird, I think it would probably have felt even weirder to pretend that things were normal (like in Before Corona) - when they are not!

The crosses below are from the old cemetery where I go walking quite often, close to where I live. They were taken on different occasions over the past week or so:

An iron cross that has been broken (from old age and rust I presume)

Today (Monday), there was still a very chilly wind blowing, all day. But daffodils already in bloom are not easily discouraged, and in a little park down by the river there is an abundance of those just now. On top of that, I managed to time my walk with a temporary break in the clouds. (Which makes the photos look more cheerful than I honestly felt today... my joints and muscles grumbling a lot more than the daffodils about the rapid weather changes...) 


  1. Your cemetery photos are what really get to me today. I have never, ever seen grave markers like these!! The big cross embedded in the ground is fabulous. The black & white one & metal one as well. Lots of creativity there. Your skies and flowers are gorgeous!! What do you take when your joints & muscles hurt?

    1. Ginny, the stone cross embedded in the grass looked like it had recently been "unearthed". I can't recall having seen it before. (But then I often feel like I'm discovering "new" things, walking around that graveyard. Perhaps because the light happens to fall on something just as I pass by.)

  2. This Easter was definitely different for most of us. I am glad you had the chance for walks, even when it became colder. We had that last night; after almost summery temperatures of around 24-25 Celsius (we've had days in July that were colder) and our official private opening of the BBQ season on O.K.'s balcony, last night it became much colder, and this morning it was 0 C. Whenever that happenes - and it happens every spring, sooner or later - I feel sorry for the baby birds and other small animals, hoping they will all survive.
    Shops and cafés open - not here (as you know). There is a public debate going on now about loosening the restrictions from next week onwards, but so far, nothing has been officially confirmed.

    1. Meike, I'm certainly glad to be able to get out for walks, even when just in the neighbourhood where I live. (As I don't want to go by bus, I can't go too far...) There are restrictions here for the shops and restaurants too and even if not all have been 'ordered' to close, it's still a hard time for many business, and some will have had to close anyway because of no customers. Myself, besides groceries and pharmacy stuff, the only shop I've visited during this period is a florist's. (Plus that one visit to an empty crafts shop for a quick look at a textile exhibition.)

  3. you did find Easter time photos, so that was good. there are no resutrants open here at all except for take out. all public places are closed. parks are all closed to. I shopped senior hour today with a mask on. and could not wait to get to the car and take it off.

    1. Sandra, we're still not recommended to wear masks here (except for health care staff). I'm beginning to think we may be the only ones in the world that don't!


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