
Thursday 16 April 2020

Thankful Thursday - Wood Anemones

In the village where I lived in my childhood (from age 5 onward), we could walk straight out into woodland from our own garden. (And it was pretty much the same where my grandparents lived, back then.)

Where I live now, there is no proper woodland within easy walking distance - only some small left-over patches of it here and there. Today, I went to one of those left-over spots to check on one of the most important signs of spring: Wood anemones!

Anemone nemorosa - Wood anemone

Below is the same photo as the first one, unedited... (You can see that civilization is not far off!) I'm thankful for the possibilities offered by the camera + digital editing to just focus on beauty and cut out the rest, sometimes! ;)


  1. I don't know if I have ever seen one! We have bunches of Wood Sorrel in our yard. It has smaller blooms. Looks like you've been traipsing deep in the woods! Until your reveal shot! Very cool.

    1. Ginny, from the map in the Wiki article I got the impression that this is a European plant so you probably don't have them in the US.

  2. It's such a pretty scene, must be good to get outdoors.

    1. Amy, thankfully there are no restrictions about being outdoors here as long as you keep your distance to others.

  3. you have the best of both worlds,the beauty of the wooded area and close to home and shopping


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