
Saturday 16 May 2020

7 Years of Postcrossing

This morning, I received a surprise email:

Er... no, I can't really say I remember... 
But seeing who sent the email is of course a clue in itself... ;)

Checking my Postcrossing account, I note that over those seven years, I have sent no less than 900 registered postcards to random strangers around the world - and received as many.

I think the first time I mentioned Postcrossing on my blog was 31st May, 2013. It was through one of my first friends in the Blogosphere (Scriptor Senex of Rambles from my Chair) that I first learned about the project; and a lot of inherited stamps from my dad made me decide to join. It just seemed more fun to me to put the stamps to use rather than sell them or just keep them.

With the increase in postal rates and so on, most of the inherited stamps have indeed been sent out into the world by now (except some of low value, the use of which would leave no room to write anything on the card!) In the meantime, I had somehow managed to overestimate how many cards I needed to buy... so now it was the cards begging me to be sent travelling... So I had to buy more stamps... and then more cards... and so it goes on!!!

PS. I also suspect that over these seven years I've probably exchanged about as many cards outside the Postcrossing system as within it. From storage point of view, it would no doubt have been wiser to just keep the stamps... But not half as much fun!

Two cards that dropped in this past week:

Quote card (with matching stamp on the back),
from him who first inspired me to join Postcrossing

Dandelion Flower Fairy
from my penpal Jarina in the Netherlands


  1. ı love the postcrossing too :)

  2. What a staggering number you have sent out!! I am still waiting for my stamps to arrive. So did they send candy?

    1. Ginny, I think the candy is only digital... :)

  3. As you know I rarely send post cards but I do write a lot of letter cards and really enjoy receiving cards and letters from people. They are so much more personal if less 'immediate' than messaging.

    1. Graham, I like letters and letter-cards as well. I used to love writing long letters in the past, but neck-shoulder-arm problems made it impossible for me to keep that up. Postcrossing/postcards (combined with emails and blogging etc) has turned out a good compromise for me, at this point in life. In Postcrossing I prefer postcards; but when corresponding with friends it can of course have its advantages to use letter-cards with an envelope sometimes.

  4. to me this is even more staggering than to others who mail cards and letters and post cards. like Ginny said it is a staggering number of cards. do you still have all 901 of theones you recieved? that question is from a person who in the past 7 years has not even mailed a BILL.. I did mail 3 cards in past 2 years, for when friends died. since you and all your pc friends love it, this is amazing to me..

    1. Sandra, I have to confess I find the accumulated number rather staggering myself - and I certainly did not foresee it when I started! I think I went the most crazy in the beginning - I have slowed down a bit lately, after I had to start considering the cost of new stamps! ;)


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