
Tuesday 18 August 2020

Squirrel Nutkin

A phrase I read the other day stuck in my mind: 

"If you think of every day as an adventure, life gets a lot more interesting."

After a very long summer of "staycation", and going no further than my own two legs will take me, I confess it's a bit of a challenge to keep up that attitude. But I still find the camera a helpful tool!

Yesterday was another hot day, and as I did not get out until noon, I decided that a turn around the old cemetery, seeking shadow under the big old trees, would once again have to be far enough. Not much of an adventure, perhaps - but I brought the camera anyway, and was rewarded for doing so. The adventure of the day turned out to be playing hide and seek with a squirrel (with me as paparazzi).

Look at me! I can climb a BIG tree...

And I'm quite an acrobat, aren't I?

And I can run very fast! (Bet you can't catch me, I'll just be a blurr...)

Ha! What did I just tell you?!

Phew. It's hot... I need to rest for a while. (Is that paparazzi still following me??)

Here we go again. Hmm, I think I need to find a snack of some kind...


 Still keeping an eye on YOU, though... Even if you're standing way over there...

Now which way shall I choose??

Okay... I'll pose for you nicely one last time. But then I'm off, and you won't be able to follow this time! (he said, and then set off at full racer speed, escaped through a fence, and disappeared out of sight)


A teaser like that, I think he must be related to Squirrel Nutkin.
The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin by Beatrix Potter (Project Gutenberg)

Our World Tuesday


  1. Could be a young one from this spring; not that I' am expert on squirrels, but it makes that impression on me. Every time I spot a squirrel I want to stroke its soft cream-coloured belly! There are severa living in my neighbourhood, but I have not seen them during the hottest days.

    1. Meike, I'm certainly no expert on squirrels either, so for all I know you may well be right! I do see them now and then in this cemetery, but they're usually very quick to get away (and running up the tall old trees, out of reach for my camera). I think this is the first time I've been able to follow one around for a little while!

  2. He really is a cutie and my favorite shot is the one where he went through the hole in the wall. I like if color also hours are light gray this one looks like he's more red Brown. And it was an adventure and I would consider it an adventure also

    1. Sandra, I don't think we have the grey squirrels here, only the red ones.

  3. I enjoyed your action photos of the squirrel. I imagine he took your mind off the current situation for a while, and that's worth a lot!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Sandra N - and I agree :)

  4. What a cutie.

  5. Hello,

    Cute series on the squirrel. He is a cutie! Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. He is cute! What grand photos of his adventures!

  7. It's really been a strange summer for many people this year hasn't it.
    We have stayed either at home or close to home for 5 months, only driving short distances for a walk a few times.
    This past week we ventures further afield for the first time since March, stayed 3 nights in a hotel and also ate out.
    It felt good to go walking in the countryside, albeit in scorching temperatures.
    I'm not looking forward to coolder and wetter weather though, as being cooped up in the house will be harder than ever.

    1. Hi & welcome to my blog(s)! (I noticed you also visited an old post on my Greetings from the Past blog) Yes, the past six months or so has probably been strange for most people around the whole world, both hemispheres... Which makes it even stranger!!!

    2. It's not often that something affects the whole world is it. There isn't a single country that hasn't been affected by Covid-19, it's definitely the first time this has happened in my lifetime, probably the first in a few people's lifetimes.
      Even the two World Wars didn't affect every part of the world. Most yes, but not everywhere.
      I truly hope things will start improving next year.

  8. I am going to borrow that quote. It's so fitting. Thank you.

    Worth a Thousand Words

    1. Yes PC, it makes a good motto to live by just now, doesn't it!

  9. Your encounter with the squirrel would be a huge adventure for me as we don't have any here. I remember spending a long time standing and watching them in Canada years ago, totally fascinated by them.

    1. Pauline, your comment made me laugh. Yes, seeing a creature one has never come across before would count as a bigger adventure... ;)

  10. What a busy little creature, I hope he is cleaning up.

    1. Amy, somehow I suspect they're better at making a mess than at cleaning up...

  11. Perhaps one of the unexpected benefits of COVID has been that it has taught to use our time better and to be creative. This delightful post shows that to be true. And perhaps you have a whole new occupation as a squirrel paparazza!

    1. David, I guess at least the corona situation has stirred some thoughts about things we maybe used to take too much for granted.

  12. It's very true. The number of people we have spoken to, who have enjoyed exploring locations on their doorsteps and often discovering walks and places that they never knew about. It's definitely been an interesting year so far, if not a brilliant one, but definitely different.


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