
Saturday 22 August 2020

Walk a Mile in My Shoes


 Water reflection in the river, last weekend (Borås city)


I find it a blessing to have some river views and the city centre within walking distance from where I live - this summer more than ever, since I'm now trying to avoid taking the bus. From where I live to the city centre it is probably around 1,5 km, or one English mile; and that (+ back) is a distance I'm usually able to walk.

(In a "normal" summer - with no corona to worry about - I may sometimes be a bit more adventurous, if I can also take the bus part of the way.,,)

Many short walks eventually add up to quite a few miles anyway, though - and in the long run (as I found out the other day), enough to wear out a pair of favourite shoes:

Hole in the sole...

So my next walk went to a shoe shop, to try and find a similar kind of footwear. I feared that might be hard, but I was lucky: Not only did the first shop I tried have a shoe of the kind I wanted, in my size, of good quality (I think) and comfortable. It also happened to be on sale (25% off). And as I was the only customer in the shop at the time, no queuing or otherwise feeling crowded involved... So all in all a smooth shoe-shopping experience!


Between the city and where I live, mysterious signs, maps and green markings have kept popping up lately:

These are all to do with plans for the future, to create a 5 km long park area all the way through the city, by connecting existing parks and other green areas with some new additions. I guess it will take years yet before it's all realized, but I like the idea. (On the map, I live in the vicinity of 5, and the city park is at 8/9.)

 Weekend Reflections


  1. Your pictures are amazing and gorgeous! I especially love the first one, and the water lilies. Your new shoes look so comfy! Wish I could find a pair like that.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Yes, the shoes are really comfortable (even better than the old ones, I think)!

  2. that is a super idea to connect the parks.. i have said it many times over the years we have been friends, i just love your city and the things you see when you walk. these reflections are gorgeous. love those buildings. fascinting walk and you found the perfect shoe replacement, very similar

    1. Thanks Sandra. I find blogging very helpful when it comes to seeing what's around me - and I know you do too! :)

  3. What wonderful photographs of your fantastic walking places. All beautiful! Those shoes were made for walking and you did get a neat looking new pair! Need comfy shoes for walking !

    1. Thanks Nancy. And yes, I agree - one does need comfy shoes for walking. (And as I walk everywhere, that's really the only kind I buy nowadays!)

  4. I've worn those shoes before, they are very very comfortable.

  5. Monica, those water reflections are so perfect - I can't get enough from looking at them!
    Don't you just hate it when a favourite piece of clothing - shoes, jeans, whatever - needs replacing? You really were lucky to find a new pair so easily, and I must say I adore your "starry" socks! I have two pairs of socks with stars on them, too, one in dark blue and the other in a lighter shade of blue.

    1. Thanks Meike. And yes, I agree - it's often hard to find a replacement for worn-out old favourites. This summer I have found myself mending a few items that normally perhaps I would have tried to replace - as I've not wanted to spend too much time browsing around in shops, worrying about keeping distance etc. But I'm afraid my repairing skills do not stretch to shoes! - The socks are new for the summer too - I bought five pairs at an outdoors market stand back in May. They were a good buy as well. (One of the others pairs has the same star pattern on blue; the others have other patterns + one all white.)

  6. You're reminded me of the difficulty of replacing a really good pair of comfy shoes. You were lucky to find a new pair without a lot of traipsing around. Your reflections are wonderful.


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