
Wednesday 6 January 2021

12th Blogoversary


Yesterday it somehow slipped my mind, but today I remembered: Yesterday was my 12th anniversary as a blogger. My first blog was entitled The Island of the Voices, and to a handful of faithful old followers, the screenshot below (of my very first blog post) may seem vaguely familiar by now - not because anyone actually started following already from day one, but because I've probably celebrated every year since by repeating that post...

In connection with moving the blog to its present address two years later, I changed the name to Beyond the Lone Islands - still referring to the same book. ('The Island of the Voices' was one of the 'Lone Islands'.) I ran into some problems with image storage, plus there was some major layout change at Blogger, and I didn't want to risk losing or messing up the previous posts.

One thing that is pretty amazing to me is that some of the friends I made during the very first one or two years in the Blogworld are still following (and I them). And looking back at this last year of global pandemic, social distancing and lock-downs etc, blogging and other international contacts have continued to be a true blessing, serving to keep up a bit of normality in the general chaos. So thanks, everyone! 

PS. I just had a peek at a list of names of wedding anniversaries. It says 11 years is Steel, and 12 years is Silk. So if 2020 was a hard year, let's hope 2021 will be smoother! 


  1. Congrats on 12 years! That is fantastic. It is wonderful how connected we become to the people we meet along the way in blogland. Happy 2021-and many more happy years of blogging to you! xo Diana

    1. Diana, I see you've kept your blog going since 2010 as well!

  2. Congratulations. It's no mean feat.

  3. Happy Blogoversary, Monica!
    It is always a pleasure to read your book reviews, descriptions of life in your beautiful town and follow you on your walks, as well as your take on things and your thoughts about various topics past and present.

    I agree - our regular visits to Blogland have certainly contributed to keeping our sanity during an often insane time.

    1. Thanks Meike, and you know I follow you on your walks (etc) as well...

  4. I was there for that first blog and still here for this one. how did time move so quickly... I remember the dilemma over moving to another blog... but most of us followed you to the new one

    1. Yes you were, Sandra - and yes, I remember changing blog address was a bit scary, but most of my regular followers did follow. (As I myself have also done with others over the years since.)

  5. I know that I've been following you since somewhere around the first year of your first blog but I'd have to do a complete trawl of the blog to find out when. That would be an interesting exercise if only to revisit some of the old posts and commenters from the early blog days. It might even show up how we first 'met'. So much metaphorical water has flown under the bridge since then.

    1. Graham, I think I can narrow it down a bit as I think our paths first crossed on your brother's blog(s) and/or Heather's, in the summer of 2009. I seem to recall having seen your house and views on CJ's blog even before following yours. (I think he was "house-sitting" for you for a bit while you were on the mainland for a hospital treatment.) As for John, I think I first came across him (and I think also Heather) on an inspiration blog called One Minute Writer (or Writing?). I don't think that exists any more but it was one of the places from where I first started exploring and making contacts in the Blogworld.

  6. 12 years, how cool ...
    happy bloggoversary, dear mo in sweden!
    I started my "Büro für besondere Maßnahmen" in Juli, 2009 ...
    Still I'm blogging (though not as much as you do bravely)
    but I left the Google blogger and just a couple of days reopened on my own domain

    it's good to know you are still here.
    I like continuity, makes me feel comfortable.
    in my life there are too many changes - and no end yet ;-)

    all the best to you -
    take good care of yourself!
    mo jour

    1. Good to see you, Mo. I'll make note of your new blog address on my dashboard reading list.

  7. Happy anniversay, it's good you've kept up with it.

  8. Congratulations! I don't think I was one of your very first readers, but I've been following you for a long time now. Long may you continue, and I hope that whatever you thought might become clear, did so! Even though I haven't been posting or commenting much recently, I do read posts, and I enjoy being part of this little "world" too. Happy new Year to you.

  9. Jenny, I don't recall how long I've been following you either - but I have your book "The Mystery of Lewis Carroll" in paperback from 2011!
    I read more blog posts than I comment on as well, as I sometimes read on my phone or tablet and not logged in on the right account/signature.

  10. Jenny, I don't recall how long I've been following you either - but I have your book "The Mystery of Lewis Carroll" in paperback from 2011...


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