
Saturday 9 January 2021


The past week was mostly grey and dull and windy - with a bit of snow in the air now and then, but only just enough to make the streets either icy or slushy (or both). Yesterday I didn't go out at all. But today, for a change, I woke up to a proper winter world with blue sky, crisp air, no wind, and the sun shining on a fresh layer of white snow. Unfortunately I had the laundry room booked in the afternoon; but after having put my first load into the machine at noon I was able to go out for a walk around the old cemetery nearby, while the washer did its job. One has to grab the moments...

Animal footprints - hare/rabbit, and some bird

Rabbit and Humans...

The sun is still low even at noon,
and hence making looong shadows...

Someone else had been really happy about the snow,
too, and expressed it creatively in a piece of snow-art...

What tomorrow brings, remains to be seen!
(Temperatures still hovering around freezing point.)

InSPIREd Sunday

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  1. Lovely photos with the low sun. A point of interest, my husband's great grandfather migrated from Sweden. The family bible is in Swedish. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Janice. Not sure if our paths have crossed before? That's great to have an inherited heirloom from one's ancestors like that.

  2. Beautiful snowy pictures! No snow here yet.

    1. I suspect it will be "on and off" here for a while now. More snow here today, but wet, so it might turn to rain - and ice if freezes again...

  3. That little snowman on the bench is really sweet! We have finally seen some sun yesterday after a long week of completely grey skies, and there is more today. The snow we had is almost entirely gone, but I am sure we will see more before winter is over in at least another two months.

    1. Meike, my guess is that we'll continue to have mixed weather here for another couple of months too. Today is grey and slushy and seems to be telling me to stay in...

  4. I rather liked seeing the rabbit tracks which reminds me exactly how a rabbit does hop around. But the little snowman is really cute. Next year's Christmas card?

    1. Graham, if I had also made the snowman myself it would definitely have been a Christmas card candidate.

    2. Well, Monica, next time there's snow you know what to do 😂 😊.

  5. that mini snowman is adorable. my favorite photo is the one of the snowman on the bench. all the photos are so beautiful, the sunshine makes everything glitter and shine and look new to the world.. a beautiful day to walk...

    1. Yes it was, Sandra - and I'm glad I did take that walk yesterday, because today the sun has gone back into hiding again and the snow is looking tired as well...

  6. Interesting to see with snow.

  7. Always worth walking around a cemetery in the show

  8. Very beautiful winter photos. Cute snowman.
    Happy week.
    Hugs and greetings.


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