
Monday 26 July 2021

Weekend Collage


My aunt and uncle were in town for the weekend; and we spent some time together on Friday afternoon, and again on Sunday. On Friday we went out to the lake, and went for a walk along the river (much the same walk as in my previous post, so I did not take a lot of new photos). On Sunday, we went out of town in the other direction, to a golf club restaurant for lunch. And then back into town again, to an art gallery (or actually two, in the same building). I also visited these exhibitions recently with a friend, but I don't think I ever got round to blogging about that (it was just before the last heat wave set in...) Both galleries have exhibitions related to the city's 400 years jubilee this summer.

One gallery is showing really large water colour views of the modern city.

The name of the artist who painted these is Erik Hårdstedt.

Above: "Pre-corona" image... For many years, it's been a tradition with free concerts in the town square on Thursday nights in July. Not last year or this year, though. (Personally I can't say I've missed them, as it's not been in my own tradition to attend anyway - not all that big a fan of crowds even in normal circumstances...)

At the other art museum, one of the current exhibitions is of old photos from the archives of the local newspaper - of memorable events and famous people from the past etc. My aunt and uncle both grew up in this town, so I thought they'd enjoy seeing those. (And myself, I did not at all mind going to see both exhibitions again.)


  1. You and your uncle and aunt spent time together just the way I would enjoy with some of my friends and relatives, too.
    The watercolours are beautiful! I have a few smaller prints of watercolours of Ripon, Scarborough and Robin Hood's Bay, all gifts over the years from my mother-in-law in Yorkshire. I really treasure these, more than if they were photographs.

    1. Meike, I love water colours too. I took some courses back in the 90s, but with neck-shoulder-arm problems later found it hard to keep it up. It still gives me an appreciation of the difficultues involved in creating paintings of this size, though. (For one thing, so much depends on "timing", and knowing how the paint behaves when the paper is wet vs dry etc.)

  2. They are lovely paintings! And I like the building side that is one big mural.

    1. Ginny, the mural was added in connection with one of the art festivals a few years ago, and it certainly makes the building easier to find for visitors :)

  3. I would not mind visiting it several times and I love Eriks views of the city. what a wonderful place to visit with your family

    1. Sandra, I often find art exhibitions worth visiting more than once, as there's always such a lot to take in all at once.

  4. I'd like to check out those paintings, so nice being out of lockdown isn't it?

    1. Amy, I agree - although strictly speaking, on the one hand, we haven't been in complete lock-down here, and on the other, not quite all restrictions have yet been lifted either. But with half the adult population (myself included) now having got two vaccinations (and more than 75% at least one), the situation at the moment does seem less worrying. I'd still hesitate to put myself in a very crowded situation, though.

  5. I enjoyed the watercolours although, like you, I do not like large crowds so almost certainly would not have been at the concert in the Square.

    1. Graham, luckily neither the art museums nor the restaurant where we had lunch were crowded :)


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