
Friday 30 July 2021

The Powers of Nature

The  mini air cooler I got 1½ week ago turned out amazingly effective: One week after my purchase, the climate changed completely - and not just indoors...!   ;-)

In short, the past week the weather has been totally unreliable, changing from one minute to the next: from sunny with a few light clouds suddenly turning into fast flashes of lightning and massive loud 'kabooms', followed by gusts of wind and torrential rain, temporarily flooding the streets.

We have not really seen the sort of drama here that's been caused by more serious flooding in many places further south in Europe though, so I'll not dwell too long on it. Myself, I haven't needed to go anywhere special this week, and have managed to stay safe indoors during the thunderstorms, and even to sneak out for a short walk in between showers now and then. Close call sometimes, but I've stayed pretty much dry-shod so far. 

The internet has been a bit wobbly on and off but that's about the worst of my personal complaints.

If the wi-fi agrees today, I thought I might share some more photos from my recent walk by the river close to the lake (last Wednesday). In town, boats on our river are a rare sight, because there are two waterfalls/dams (and several low footbridges in between) which make boating difficult there. But closer to the lake, people use boats, canoes and paddle boards a lot more frequently (as they can then also take them out on the lake).

So please note that these are not photos of flooding, but just people having a good time... (For my own part, I've always preferred just watching from land, though!)



  1. i went through all the photos twice, my favorite is the man in the blue trunks. they are all magnificent and each one tells is own story, a story by photo, no words needed. I wish I could do what they are doing but fear of falling and not being stead on my feet will keep me on land beside you. Bob could and would do these. so glad you have stayed dry and tht you bought your little ac unit

    1. Sandra, I can easily imagine your Bob standing on that paddle board... ;)

  2. Paddle boarding seems to be a thing here too, not my thing though but each to their own i guess. We couldnt' manage without air conditioning in Summer, hope you're surviving.

    1. Amy, I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone on a paddle board before (IRL) but then it's been two years since my last visit to any beach, either by the lake or by the seaside...
      Just now being without air conditioning is not a problem since we've gone back to more 'normal' Swedish summer with lower temperatures... ;)

  3. I absolutely love little boats. I tried sailboarding with little success and paddleboarding would, I'm sure, be beyond my capabilities. However I do love being by the water and living away from it would just not be a choice I'd ever want to have to make.

    1. Graham, I'd love a water view myself - I just prefer my feet to be on firm ground... As things are, I have to be content with having the river like 10 minutes walk away. I don't see it from my windows, though.

  4. I don't think I have ever seen anyone in a boat there before!

    1. Ginny, as I explained in the post, in central town boats are rare - and I'm not out at the lakeside all that often :)


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