
Wednesday 13 October 2021

Keep Walkin' ...

After my long walk on Monday, I half suspected I might end up with lingering muscle soreness the next day. But I didn't, and it was another lovely autumn day, so I decided on another walk. Two months ago, I blogged about a walk downhill through a park that I haven't visited very often in later years; and one fellow blogger commented that "if I were you, I would go back in a couple of months to see it in all its glorious autumn colours". I said I'd keep that in mind - and I did! ;) It turned out maybe a little bit too early for the full autumn glory, but on the other hand, one never knows how many more fine days there will be.

This time, I decided to go uphill through the park rather than downhill; and on the way there, it seemed fitting to also say hello to the big Pinocchio sculpture in the collage above - whose official name is Walking to Borås. He's been standing there since 2008, and he was the really the start to building our reputation as a City of Art! 

The park is on the hill behind him, across a big road.

Having crossed that road, the climb upward begins...

Orchard with a big insect hotel.

Close-up of the insect hotel from my previous visit.

 I love autumn light...

Stairs leading up to the next level.

And even more to the next...

Still some roses left in the rose garden

There's a motorway running below one side of the park; which alas means quite a lot of traffic noise along that path.

Entering the woodland parts, I spotted some mushrooms on the ground. Don't know what kind!

The woodland part of the park turned out to still be quite green; and not showing as many autumn colours yet as I was hoping for.

It was also rather dark in among those trees. So I ended up leaving the woodland park, and went to explore some nearby street views instead. I'll save those for another post. 

But later, on may way back home, I caught some more views looking back up at the hill. I'll finish off this post with those:


  1. I love green, prefer green over autumn colors, but that last one is stunning in its autumn yellow... I remember the statue, he is one giant guy... also remember the bug hotel because i have never heard of seen one before... what a great place to walk, the stairs are amazing to me. nothing like that here

    1. Sandra, being used to the changing seasons all my life, I think I would miss that if I lived somewhere that was green all year round... (Wouldn't mind if the winter was a bit shorter, though!)

  2. You still have a lot oflush green, like us. I remember Pinocchio, and the insect hotel! It is good to see they are sill there!

    1. Ginny, I was a bit surprised to find that park still looking greener than some other areas in town, but I suppose it depends on what kind of trees there are, and perhaps also how deep the roots of the trees go.

  3. We've not seen Pinocchio on your blog in a while! Good to know he is still walking - same as you :-)
    If I remember correctly, it was me who said I'd visit that park in a couple of months. With all the autumn colours we've seen on your recent posts, I am surprised at how green the park still is. Maybe go back in 3 or 4 weeks...

    1. Yes Meike, it was your comment that lingered in my memory :) I was rather surprised myself that there were not more autumn colours showing in that park yet. But I know some trees shift colour sooner than others, so I guess the overall impression of a certain area depends a lot on what kinds of trees there are. Remains to be seen whether I'll be going that way again before the trees suddenly stand all bare after some storm or frosty nights! ;)

  4. Lovely to see Pinocchio striding out again. And thanks for the lovely photos of your walk, it looks to be a little challenging in places. The shot of the mushrooms in the soft filtered autumn light is simply beautiful.

    1. Pauline, I'm feeling a kind of kinship with the big guy - always walking and yet staying in the same place... ;)

  5. That's some impressive scenery and colours, I like the insect hotel, I've only ever seen one other of those, we need more.

    1. Amy, I keep wondering how many guests have actually checked in, and what they think of the accommodation ;)

  6. What beautiful photos. Thank you, they are such a wonderful trip down memory lane for me, as my first visit to Sweden was in October/November. We spent some time further north, in Värmland, where the trees were turning when we first arrived and were bare by the time we left. It snowed in Stockholm - not something we were expecting, even in Sweden!.

    1. Coppa's girl, I'm getting curious about where in the world you live? Back in the mid 70s to mid 80s I lived in Värmland (Karlstad) for about ten years. In my memory, winters then were usually colder and with more snow. Not sure how much to do with being a bit further north vs general changes in climate since then, though.

    2. These days I live in Spain - we moved to the Costa Blanca when my husband retired.
      For many years he worked for a Swedish company - Uddeholm - north of Karlstad. Although he was based in the UK, we made many trips to Sweden where he worked at Head Office. At one stage we considered buying a house in Värmland, for holidays, near to friends living in Munkfors. Originally we planned to retire there, but the long, cold winters deterred us. A different experience for
      me once, but not the most suitable place weather-wise on a permanent basis. We decided it was more sensible to have a holiday home in a warmer climate. After selling our house in the UK, we moved here permanently, with our dogs, 20 years ago. Sadly my husband died four years ago, but I decided to stay on, having a good social life and making many friends. The winter sunshine, especially, is very seductive!

    3. Thanks for answering, CG. The coincidences keep piling up: In the late 70s into the early 80s I worked as secretary for companies related to the pulp and paper industry in Värmland. Actually my first temporary position after secretary school was at Deje Paper Mill, situated between Karlstad and Munkfors - back then owned by the Uddeholm company. (That was in the winter of 1976.) Glad you have good memories of Sweden even if you prefer the sun! :)

  7. I can remember having a trip to Deje when my husband visited the paper mill! I spent the day with the wife of the man who took my husband on a tour around the mill.
    Yes, I have many happy memories of times spent in Sweden, the countryside was so beautiful and everywhere so spacious after living on a cramped island like mainland UK. In England in the 60's and early 70's Swedish design was the height of fashion, and it was a revelation for me to visit, and be welcomed into, actual Swedish homes. Even today, so many years later, I love the wooden floors and cool interiors I found in homes there. In part, I think my various homes have always reflected my love of Sweden and all thing Scandinavian.


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