
Monday 29 November 2021

Second Chance

UPDATE: After last week's political turmoil, Magdalena Andersson (new party leader for the Social Democrats in Sweden since a couple of weeks) was given a second chance in a new parliament voting today, and was elected our new Prime Minister, and the first woman on that post in Sweden. 

Until the next general election in September 2022, she'll be leading a one-party minority government. (The former coalition partner the Green party having jumped ship last week.)

If anyone is wondering about the numbers, what was required was no more than 174 members of parliament voting against her. 101 voted yes, 75 abstained, and 173 voted no.

Tomorrow she will present her new government (ministers), and be officially inaugurated.

It's likely to continue to be a bumpy road ahead, but I wish her luck (and wisdom, and patience). (Having been Minister of Finance for seven years she's not exactly new in the game, though.)


  1. Goodness, I have never heard of this kind of political intregue!

    1. Well, Ginny - while it was indeed a strange and unprecedented situation that arose last week, at least no one was storming the parliament building... Just a bit of confusion, and a few extra days needed to sort out how to deal with it.

  2. I heard and saw this last night on our news at 6pm, I don't know much about her, I hope she will be a good addition.

    1. Amy, good to know the news already spread right across the globe :)

  3. You'd think this would have been newsworthy here in Germany, too, but it was not even mentioned on our main TV news last night. Covid is taking up most of the 15 minutes.
    Anyway, I like reading the Swedish words on your TV screen, there is so much I can understand! It would probably be a very different matter hearing the words spoken without the possibility to seeing them written.

    1. Meike, that does seem to be one of the long-lasting side-effects of covid, doesn't it - still dominating the news after nearly two years... :(
      Well, our new PM was properly inaugurated today anyway. Hopefully she and her new government will last at least 10 months this time, until the next general election).

  4. I haven't yet looked at the UK news, but I'm sure there will be something about it. The UK has had two very different women as Prime Minister, so it will be interesting to see how yours leads your country. No doubt there will be some comparisons made.

    1. CG, I have to confess I've probably rarely been following the politics of other countries closely enough to be able to make valid comparisons myself.

  5. first she was, then she wasn't, now she is... Yay and I hope she does a good job and shows them women can...

  6. We would usually have heard about that on the BBC but I suspect that there is so much going on in the Covid world at the moment that other matters have taken a back place.

    1. Graham, alas covid does seem to insist on staying at the top of the news! I'm sure that over here, we in turn are probably missing a lot of other things going on in the rest of the world...


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