
Monday 6 December 2021

A Winter Walk along the River, and Santa's Labyrinth

Walking into town along the river on Saturday, I noticed some "ducks" in the river that I did not recognize...



With help of my camera and my bird book, I think I have now identified them as goosanders - mergus merganser. 'Storskrake' in Swedish. I think these are usually seen along the coasts rather than inland.

In the river by the park, there were lots of various other  water birds, I think the larger ones must have been geese rather than ducks. From across the river I was not able to get any close-up photos for identification, though!

My errand in town was to the pharmacy, but after that I also went and had a peek at the main square - now dressed in snow and so with a bit more "Christmas atmosphere" than on my visit two weeks ago

Santa's Wish-List Labyrinth. There's a postbox in the middle where kids can post their wish-lists to Santa. What happens next, I don't know. Christmas magic, perhaps??

Walked back towards home along the river as well...

On my wish-list: Better snow-clearing! They seem to have given up on clearing the pavements and safe places to cross the streets. You just have to try and follow the best you can where others have gone before. (In some ways, everywhere is like a labyrinth in this kind of weather. You never know where you may find your way blocked!)


  1. Gorgeous ducks! I wish we had these Christmas Markets. Thank you for the card!

    1. Ginny, it's a very small Christmas Market, only a few stalls along one side of the square. But it does add a bit of extra Christmas atmosphere.

  2. Lovely crystal clear northern winter light.

    1. Tasker, winter is a difficult time of year in many ways, but it does sometimes have its charm on a good day...

  3. The Christmas market looks more festive now, and with more people, too. I still think ours could have gone ahead without turning into a hub of infection - it is outdoors, after all, and rules would have applied such as wearing masks and allowing visitors only if they can prove they are fully vaccined or tested negative.

    The larger birds look like Canada geese to me, but as you say, it's not really close-up enough for proper identification.

    Beautiful pictures anyway!

    1. Meike, my last visit was on a Sunday with no shops open (and only one of the market stalls). This was on a Saturday with all the shops + market stalls open - hence more people about! Our Christmas market is very small though, not to be compared with yours. It has no entrance, it's just a few stalls along one side of the square.

      You're probably right about the Canada geese. We don't often see geese in the river, though. But in cold and snowy winter weather we do sometimes get visits from more unusual birds.

  4. Beautiful photos, and it really looks very festive now that you have the Christmas stalls in the main square.
    Quite the opposite here with blue skies and sunshine. Yesterday afternoon I photographed a rose in bloom in my courtyard garden, which doesn't get much sun at this time of year. The same shrub has two more buds about to blossom too!

  5. love that first shot, one on point, 2 on the side nd the middle guy gets to ride in their wakes for free... the snow did change the look..

    1. Outdoors Christmas decorations usually do look better with some natural snow added, yes...


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