
Monday 27 December 2021

Boxing Day Walk

Yesterday was Boxing Day (or, as we say in Swedish, "annandag jul" = 2nd Christmas Day). It was also the third Christmas day in a row with perfect weather for a winter walk. This time I chose to walk to the park in the city centre, and back a different way. (I'm fortunate in that respect - being able to walk into town and back kind of in a circle rather than having to turn round and walk back the exact same way that I came.)


Approaching the city centre. Across the road, I turn right to go down into the park.

(Above and below:) A very "Narnian" place in the park: A kind of stone portal on one side of the path, and a lamppost and a "broken stone table" on the other...

Empty (summer) dance floor in the foreground, with winter ice skating rink behind.

Mostly open water in the river, but some thin ice along the shores here and there.

Leaving the park now, and looking back towards the city.

Walking back towards home along the river

Finishing off with a (somewhat distorted) panorama view of the football field close to home.


  1. # 6 and 8 photos of the tree I JUST LOVE. in fact I love all the trees. i recognize a lot of the buildings and places from prior reflection photos. this park walk way is always gorgeous no matter the season of the year... i like that panarama also, yay for 3 days in a row of perfect walk about weather

    1. Sandra, after twelve years of "blog-walking" with me, you and some other long-term friends probably know these views almost as well as I do by now! A layer of snow on top always makes things look a little different, though! ;)

  2. Looks wonderfully quiet there. Despite us being in the beginning of Summer here it's been relatively quiet too which is strange.

    1. Amy, well, it was Christmas Sunday at noon... Most shops in the city centre closed, I assume (I didn't check). There were quite a few people out walking, but I avoided pointing my camera at most of them :)

  3. The portal is certainly odd, I wonder what it means? My favorites are your beautiful water reflections, and the large bare tree in #6.

    1. Ginny, I associate it with ancient monuments (like Stonehenge etc). It's the same artist behind both that standing sculpture and the flat stones across the path.

  4. You did enjoy perfect snow walking conditions in white beauty. I like how you may have discovered the door and lamp post of Narnia.

    1. Terra, I've associated those sculptures with Narnia ever since they first appeared in the park - which was over a decade ago now.

  5. Narnian indeed! Here in Germany, we call Boxing Day also "Zweiter Weihnachtstag". It was quiet here, too, but wet and grey. Not a snowflake in sight, and we are supposed to have 14C by Thursday - more like spring than mid-winter.
    I recognise some of your views, in different seasons. Glad you had the chance to go for such a beautiful walk, and even gladder that you share it with us!

    1. Thanks Meike. Snowing here again today, and all kinds of weather warnings issued. Remains to be seen where we go from here - today I've mostly been staying in!

  6. A perfect day and perfect photos - how crisp and clean everywhere looks. Thank you for sharing your walk with us.
    A change of temperature here, and it's suddenly much warmer now that the wind has dropped and the sky has cleared. People out and about in shorts and T shirts, though I don't think summer is on the way yet!

    1. Thanks CG. Snowing again today and I'm having difficulties even imagining shorts and T-shirts...! ;)


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