
Wednesday 29 December 2021

Time Marches On

Time marches on... Only two days (+ a few hours) left of 2021 as I write this. Lots of things to sum up, but I haven't really got round to that yet (and not sure to what extent I will). 

Monday offered another day of crisp cold weather, snow and sun. I had an errand or two so went for a walk into town again. Didn't bring the camera this time, but I had my phone... I walked in the opposite direction compared to the day before, along the other side of the river through the city centre, and past the railway station on my way back; so got some views that differ a little from the previous post. 

Since Monday, the sun has gone into hiding, the temperature has risen to around freezing point, and we've also had some more snow. Streets and walkways are now more slippery for both vehicles and pedestrians, so yesterday and today I've only been out briefly, and close to home (and have given the cameras a rest too).

New Year's Eve around the corner; but once again my traditional get-together with a handful of friends on that evening has been cancelled (by mutual agreement, due to various corona-related precautions). I'll probably have time to put in another post of some kind here before the year runs out - but if not, I wish everyone a Happy New Year!


  1. Looks like you live in the perfect little town, it seems to have everything!

    1. Ginny, opinions may vary about that- but yes, on the whole this city is big enough that one doesn't usually need to travel to an even bigger one to get what one needs.

  2. I love what shooting into the sun when it is behind trees does to a photo. to me the first photo is magical. all the photos are amazing. if I could blink my eyes and transport I would love to walk through your township

    1. Sandra, today you can just close your eyes and relax though, as we're back to rain, thaw and sleet... ;)

  3. Happy New Year dear friend. It is so fun to exchange Christmas cards with you.

    1. Thanks Terra, and Happy New Year! I'm hoping to get back to some ordinary postcard-writing in January...

  4. Happy New Year to you, too, dear Monica!
    Your photos are beautiful; it is nice to see some of the same spots from a different perspective. We're experiencing spring-like temperatures right now, up to 14-15C today and even warmer where O.K. lives (17C!), but it's grey, wet and windy.

    1. Thanks Meike. Today it's been raining here too, and the snow turning to yucky icy slush. (I've not set foot outside today.) Not as warm as where you are but around +5°C today.

  5. Yet more beautiful photos - you live in such a photogenic town. It's especially magical with the snow, sun and blue skies. How quiet it is too - hardly a soul about.
    A Happy New Year to you - and all your commenters.

    1. Thanks CG. Yes, the Christmas weather was unusually magical this year. For New Year we seem to be back to rain, fog and slush, though!

  6. I'd love to walk in the snow with that scenery around me.

    1. Amy, today I can only say: so would I! (All the snow has gone away again, and today is foggy, gray and wet...)

  7. Many apologies, Monica. I cannot believe that my last comment was on 1 December, particularly as December has been a very busy blog month for you. In fact I've scarcely blogged or read blogs for quite a long time. So today I am devoting the day to reading past blogs. Anyway I've now caught up with yours. I've not commented I'm afraid but I have enjoyed the snow photos in particular because it's such an uncommon feature here. I may well go back and make odd comments later.

    1. Thanks for catching up, Graham. There's no obligation to comment on everything! :) But nice to know that you've been reading/looking!


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