
Saturday 22 January 2022

After The Storm - or Here We Go Again

This week we had a rain/snowstorm, resulting in very icy and slippery streets, causing problems for traffic on the big roads as well as pedestrians in town. Today at least the wind had calmed down a bit. One still has to watch one's steps though, as it's still icy here and there, and also lots of branches on the ground from the storm. 

I went for a walk in the old cemetery nearby; keeping my eyes on the ground and watching my own feet carefully, but stopping here and there to look up and let the camera have a bit of exercise as well. I was reminded of Meike's post from a couple of days ago. Her hike was a much longer one and in more dramatic terrain - but I think she'll probably be able to guess the connection made in my head.

Starting with some photos taken from one and the same spot, turning in different directions.

Looking south

Looking east

Looking west

Looking north

And some more:


You've probably got it by now: What mystified me was that while there was quite a lot of snow and ice on the ground in some places, there were also large patches of almost bare ground in between. I guess the reason must be a combination of strong winds, temperature hovering around freezing point, and perhaps also sun vs shadow (after the rain/snow had ceased). But it does look rather odd!

Twigs blown off from the trees, some loose and having blown around, some frozen into the snow/ice and forming various intricate patterns. 

Some bigger branches broken from tall trees as well:

Down by the river, no snow at all to be seen:


Linking to Weekend Street/Reflections 52

Weekend Reflections


  1. Oh my, you ARE brave! My faves are the one before the ducks, and number 5. Take care!

    1. Thanks Ginny. Today we're back to rain again and the snow and ice gone. For as long as it may last...

  2. Thank you for linking to my post, Monica! I can see what make you draw the connection.
    Yes, it does look cold, and I agree in that it the wind must have had a lot to do with those patches of snow being almost bare of snow.

    1. Meike, the weather has been very much back and forth here this winter. Today it's wet and all the snow gone again. So glad I did take the camera with me yesterday even if I did not go far :)

  3. wow and wow again on the ducks. spectacular. all the photos today each and everyone the word that comes to mind is "dramatic". i like all of them and each tells a story

    1. Thanks Sandra. I can never resist taking photos of the ducks swimming in water reflections :)

  4. Please be careful with walking around with all that ice everywhere. The cemetery photos are beautiful, I've never seen snow around graves.

    1. Thanks Amy. Just now the ground is all bare again. When it's icy I use boots with studded soles + usually also walking poles.

  5. I always enjoy your local photos and the fact that you have so many trees and so much water around you. We've been having temperatures in the high single figures since Christmas - remarkably warm for this time of year.

    1. Graham, at the moment it's +5 here but likely to continue to be back and forth (rain/snow etc) for weeks yet. I'm thankful to have that cemetery and the river fairly close in all seasons. I try to get out for a while most days. In winter it's mostly sun and snow that inspire photography, though.

  6. Excellent photos again, but somehow it doesn't look quite so inviting without the blue sky and sunshine. Love the photos of the ducks.
    Funny weather here too, it can't make up it's mind if it's going to rain, or just continue to look gloomy for the day!

    1. This time of year is very much an indoors season for me, CG. I still try to go out for a bit of exercise, but that's about it.


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