
Tuesday 18 January 2022

Anonymous or Multifaced


Yesterday I went into town for a haircut; and after that, a couple of minor errands took me to the main square. When I got there, I realized that I obviously hadn't been as far into the city centre as the square since before New Year - and before the arrival of this (temporary) sculpture, called 'Faces', which was put up for the city's New Year Eve celebrations. I read about in the local paper back then, but since then had forgotten all about it. Once I did get to the square, it was kind of hard to ignore - even though it was currently in "anonymous" mode. The sign next to it informed me that it only shows its face(s) between 16-23 (i.e. after dark). I'm very rarely in town at that time of day myself, though - at least in winter. And yesterday, I definitely did not feel like hanging around the square for three more hours just to  see the sculpture "in action"...
However, scanning the QR code at home from my photo, I discovered that you can have a look at all the faces and information about the artists at

Here's the face for today (18 January), copied from that website:


Felicia Gabaladons gathers inspiration from nature, her native American heritage and it’s symbols and brings it to life with bold palettes and symmetric patterns. She’s based in Oakland, California.

“The fox is often seen as a symbol of intelligence as well as playfulness. Combined with an artistic expression inspired by textile art and modern indigenous art from the U.S. tribes, it connects Borås with other cultures.”

Our World Tuesday Graphic


  1. Of course this "foxy" face holds a special appeal for me, as you will have guessed, Monica :-)
    It is definitely an unusual sculpture, even without showing a face. But then, your town is quite avantgarde when it comes to public art, I think!
    My next haircut is due next week... not that my hair is very long, but a short haircut needs trimming more frequently, of course.

    1. Meike, I did think of you when the foxy face came up! - and as it was also the one for today's date, I thought it a good choice for my blog post. :)
      As for my haircut, it was "overdue" for me (again). In December I put it off because of the many days with icy or slushy streets, and then Christmas/NY, and virus statistics going up again as well. Just now the streets are bare again, though, so I phoned my hairdresser, and she was able to fit me in the same day. (Fixing my hair doesn't take long as I only want it cut, no dyeing etc.)

    2. Ever since I have stopped the dyeing, my visits at the hairdresser's are much shorter, too. There is just wash, cut and dry, and off I go.

  2. I admired the plain white sculpture right away as it says so much about people staring at their iphones instead of connecting with the people in front of them. Very profound. When I went on to read about the faces and saw the fox face, wow. I think that artist who created the sculpture is a genius. Thanks for showing us.

    1. Terra, for my own part I was happy to find something new to share :) as at the moment it's snow-free here again and not inspiring much photography...

  3. I went to your link, but was unable to translate it. SO, is he holding a cell phone, and that is where the faces will be at night? I love foxes! Also since you know the name of the artist, this one is not anonymous.

    1. Ginny if you scroll down on that website you will find the text in English as well. And all the faces too. IRL I think the faces are projected from the cell phone onto the white face of the statue.

  4. This is such an interesting and unusual piece of art work, and I can imagine it has drawn much attention. I like the idea that the images change each day too. A good excuse to go back into the town after dark, though like you, I wouldn't fancy a trip in wintertime. I clicked on your link and found the images, and the details, in English. There is some very clever art work.

    1. CG, it remains to be seen if the weather as well as other circumstances will cooperate to tempt me to go back some afternoon. I think the sculpture will only be there during January.

  5. fascinating before I read the post and even more fascinating after visiting the the web site. wow would I like to see the painted faces on the blank face of the sculpture. love this

    1. Sandra, I might be tempted to go back one afternoon to see it, but that depends (among other things) on how the weather behaves. Just now it's not behaving at all - snowstorm last night, icy winds and icy streets today...

  6. I've never seen something like that, I'd like to see the different face for each day.

    1. Amy, I'd like that too, if I had been living or working nearby.

  7. I don't know if my last comment went. It suddenly disappeared. In case it has gone, I said it looked like a really interesting artwork, but also I thought it was very striking when I just saw the photo of it blank. (I also wanted to say thanks for commenting on my blog, which has been neglected for such a long time!) Good to be back.

    1. Jenny, it seems only this comment came through here. Your comment on an older post went to moderation. (I have set a time limit for "open" comments, trying to keep some control over occasional spam...)


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