
Saturday 12 February 2022

Men At Work


Since Mid November there have been roofers at work putting new tiles on the roofs of buildings in my neighbourhood. They got started in November just before we had the first round of snow and cold weather, and have kept at it through snow, wind, thaw, rain, slush, frost, ice - start over and repeat, I forget how many times now... I don't envy them their working conditions!

They'll get to my building too at some point, but I'm not sure when. Meanwhile, I've been zooming them in from a distance with my camera occasionally, to try and prepare myself mentally for what to expect. (Like, will they be climbing about outside all of my windows, or only some?)

Watching them set up scaffolding on a sunny day was quite fascinating. Made me wonder if they get the job done twice as fast in sunshine, as then each guy also has "help" from his own shadow!

They certainly seem to have got into a routine of how to do it by now. Look closely at the photo on the left above. See how the guy is holding his hand out (blurry because of movement) to a loose piece of scaffolding, midair? He's not dropping it - he's catching it. He was on the 2nd floor, and both long and short parts of scaffolding were thrown up to him one by one, by another guy down on the ground. (Cf the middle photo in collage No 2.) Thrower and catcher seemed perfectly coordinated in their movements - but I can certainly see the need for them to wear hard hats...! :o

Remains to be seen how bothered I'll be by the noise when they get to my building. But at least I don't live on the top floor!


  1. the workers are pretty amazing as are all your photos of them. Great shots from afar! talented is what they are. I could not even stand on one of those scaffolds much less throw or catch something

    1. Sandra, I would never have been able to do that either - at any age!

  2. What a massive project! These guys are so skilled.

  3. Those pictures with the shadows are really cool, Monica! It looks almost like an art project or a theatre performance.
    Seeing that kind of work going on in all kinds of weather, I am glad that my work means I can sit next to the radiator at my desk and only go out by choice, when I want a walk after work.
    Hopefully, the work on your building will go smoothly.

    1. Meike, it did indeed feel a bit like watching a circus act :)

  4. Intriguing photos. They have certainly got catching the pieces of scaffolding down to a fine art!

    1. CG it was quite fascinating to watch them, and the angle of the sun adding that effect of their shadows working "alongside" of them, too.

  5. You wouldn't get me up there, I'm terrified of heights but no doubt they are doing a good job.

  6. Amy, I feel the same as you about heights :)


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