
Saturday 19 February 2022

Waiting for Spring

Oops, I suddenly realize it's been a full week since my last post here. It's been a mostly indoors kind of week, wet and grey, snow-free, and with nothing to inspire photography on my short walks for exercise. I've not been into town, or even gone shopping for groceries (except online, with home delivery yesterday). Last night it snowed a bit again, but very wet and slushy stuff. The sun has now come out again, but I'm not sure what kind of footwear would be best suited to attempt a walk...

Awaiting spring, I have got rid of some tired indoors plants, and renewed some by taking cuttings, putting those in water to grow roots, and then planting them in pots. My attempts with a geranium failed, but "painted nettles" (coleus) are easy. I used to have those back in my youth (originally from cuttings I got from my mum), but at some point I failed to renew them, and I think it's been decades since I last had any - until last year, when they suddenly seemed to have become popular again, and I bought one, which soon became two, and then three - out of which two have now been renewed, one cut back, and I may have yet a few "babies" on the way...


The "sampling tubes rack" (glass bottles) was a gift from my brother, many years ago.

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If you like, you can also visit my Sepia Saturday post on my blog Greetings from the Past, where I've just reached the end of a series based on postcards that my great-aunt Gerda (a traveling lady's maid) wrote from France during WWI. The end of the war was not the end of her travels, though, and I'm still feeling inspired to continue to try and piece together what I know in some kind of chronological order. 


  1. Love your coleus babies. I used to "liberate" sprigs of pretty coleus whenever I saw it, and add to my garden. My winter garden has Kalanchoes...and 3 little orchids on their second and third years. I think the gardenia bush has died though. Living in an apartment definitely limits my plants.

    1. Barbara, I often buy Kalanchoes too because they tend to last long. But they rarely bloom again. I have three orchids as well, but none of them has been in bloom this winter.

  2. LOVE the babies and there parent, and the container they are in.. your window looks beautiful and ready for spring.

  3. They are all beautiful, and so healthy looking. I used to have Coleus for many years, they grew to be HUGE. What is the one with the big roundish leaves, maybe some kind of Geranium?

    1. Ginny, those in the background are Kalanchoes, no longer in bloom. I rarely get those to bloom again so I'll probably exchange them for new ones (or something else) later. For now, at least they are green... :)

  4. Your plants look so green and healthy, and remind me of time spent in Sweden in the winter months. Everyone had window sills covered with plants. Here our window sills are outside, and are normally home to geraniums, which flower well in the cooler months.

    1. CG, I usually have geraniums on my balcony in the summer. They don't survive our winters out there, though - nor do they usually appreciate the indoors winter climate during the darkest months. So I usually have to buy new ones every year.

  5. You definitely have green thumbs, not like my black ones :-)
    Mixed weather here and storms that make a walk in the woods not really a good idea.

    1. Much the same here, Meike. Not that I usually walk much in the woods anyway, but even the old cemetery nearby (with lots of huge old trees) does not feel like a good place for a walk on a stormy day...


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