
Sunday 20 February 2022



I managed a walk downtown yesterday afternoon, to buy myself a bunch of tulips. It was one of those "keep your eyes on the ground" kind of walks, though (i.e. watching out for icy spots) so I've only got photos of the tulips!  

It has become somewhat of a tradition for me to buy tulips for 20 February, since that was my mother's birthday. As this month is also the time for tulips in the flower shops, she often got tulips for her birthday. Now I can't give them to her, but while enjoying them on my own table, I think of her. 92 years today since her birth. 13 years in May since she died.

Mum tending her own garden. Looking back, it's hard to quite grasp the fact that I'm a year older now than she was when this photo was taken!


  1. Happy Birthday to your Mum and I really like this photo. daddy had veggies beds like hers with glass doors he opened and shut. he used a pair of french double doors, built the box the size of the two doors and the doors opened on hinges. he put seeds in there in cold weather and the sun heated the glass and the seeds grew until he dug them up and planted his veggie garden. brought back a ton of memories look at your mum. sorry it was to slick to carry home your tulips

    1. Sandra, I think my mum's were probably made from old window frames - my dad rarely threw anything away, with the motto that one never knew, it might come in handy one day... ;)

  2. They are gorgeous. I think your Mom would have loved them. It is a sobering moment when we turn the age our parent was when they passed.

    1. Ginny, I may have expressed myself a bit vaguely... My mum lived to be 79, so I'm not quite at THAT point yet. I was just browsing through some old photos of her, in this one she's 65, and it hit me that I'm 66 myself now (going on 67)...

  3. Beautiful! At least you know Spring is on it's way.

    1. Yes Amy. One really needs some tulips to hold on to that thought just now, though! :)

  4. It is a wonderful tradition you created for yourself there, Monica. I guess that when the time comes and my sister and I won't have our parents around anymore, we will also do something for their birthdays.
    Those tulips are gorgeous, such a bright splash of colour!
    I can understand how weird it is to look at pictures of your mother when she was around the same age as you are now. When I posted a picture of me as a toddler with my Grandma not long ago, I was trying to work out how old she was in that picture. She must have been around the age I am now.

    1. Meike, "age" remains a mystery throughout life, I think! :)

  5. How cheerful the tulips look, and what a lovely tradition to buy them on the anniversary of your mother's birthday.
    My mother's birthday was in May, when spring flowers were at their best. Whenever I see a bunch with the pretty yellows, pinks and blues, I always think of her. She was 93 when she died - almost 20 years ago.

    1. CG, I guess we all have certain things (and seasons, and dates) that trigger memories like that - and make us stop and reflect for a while.

  6. This is a great burst of colour as I look outside to a back yard covered in 30cm of snow. Tulips here are still a few weeks away.

    1. David, outdoors they're probably still at least a couple of months away here!

  7. They are beautiful tulips. It's a bit surreal when I think how long we have known each other and how much our lives have altered in that time.

  8. Indeed Graham. My mum died in the spring the same year I had started blogging in January. Looking back I can see that blogging and making new friendships online was a blessing in the midst of chaos, serving as outlet and distraction at the same time... (Still does, even if the level of "chaos" varies!)


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