
Monday 14 March 2022

Swan Among the Ducks

 We live in confusing times. I woke up fairly early (I think around 7:30) to another sunny day; but decided to stay in bed for a while, listening to the radio - forgetting that nowadays, that just means war news and speculations repeated over and over again, and not much else. My brain obviously almost immediately decided it had had enough of that depressing stuff, and when I did not turn off the radio, the brain turned itself off and went back to sleep.

Next time I woke up, it was 10:30. And I was still tired. (I dare not guess how I'll cope with daylight saving time in a couple of weeks...).  

Having had breakfast around 11, it felt a bit too soon to have lunch at 12, or even 13. So I decided to go out for a walk before the next meal, rather than after. My camera persuaded me to go somewhere "different" for a change, and suggested the little lake where there used to be a bird sanctuary, including some rare birds. A few years ago, they had to move the rare birds, though, as they were putting down pipes for long-distance heating through the lake.









Signs say that they intend to restore the sanctuary and bring in some new rarer birds. But for now, there is mostly the usual common mallards to be seen there - and sometimes bigger migrating birds landing there for a break - like geese or swans; and gulls in the summer.

Today, there were more mallards than I could count, plus among them, one (1) swan, making me think of H.C. Andersen's story The ugly duckling. (If you don't know it, it's about a swan hatched and growing up among ducklings, and feeling different).  

"He is too big," they all said.


I think they were all a bit disappointed with me because I hadn't brought them any food.



Somewhat to my surprise, there was still a thin layer of ice covering a large part of the lake.

Alas, as nice as the walk around that lake is, getting there and back involves walking along streets/roads with heavy traffic - which is one reason why I don't go there more often.

On my way back, I choose the "steep shortcut", a wooden walk-bridge over the railway. It makes the way shorter, but especially the first time in spring it's also a "fitness test" (phew):

43 steps up, and 46 down on the other side.


  1. what a veiw and what a set of steps to see the view. great idea. the swan is beautiful and Ugly duckling is one of my most favorite fairy tales. as I child I felt like i was that ugly duckling and read it over and over... your photos are beautiful and ice still there is a little shocking

    1. Thanks Sandra. If I lived a bit closer to that lake I'd go there more often.

  2. Wow, what an unusual and steep walking bridge! The little lake is a beautiful place, and the swan seems quite tame!

    1. Ginny, there was a fence between us although you don't see it in the photos. (I know swans can sometimes be quite aggressive, so I don't think I'd have gone too close to it without the fence.)

  3. The swan looks young-ish to me, maybe that's why he/she is alone and not yet part of a (life-long) couple.
    As for bringing food, here, we are severly admonished NOT to feed the ducks, geese and swans out at the lakes and rivers. Apparently, our bread upsets their digestion, and in turn that is bad for the water and the land around the lakes. And of course they love the easy way to come by a snack, but usually, there is enough food for them to be found the natural way.
    I have always loved feeding animals in parks etc., starting when out with my grandparents as a little girl. But after that explanation, I have stopped doing that.

    1. Meike, these swans usually fly north in flocks in the spring. As I didn't see any but this one I was wondering if perhaps there was something wrong with it so that it had been left (or stayed) behind its flock. Can't claim to be an expert on swan behaviour, though!
      I'm not in the habit of bringing bread etc to the birds in the parks either, for the same reasons as you give. I know a lot of people do feed them, though - so when one approaches the fence (in this case) or the river/lake-side etc, they often seem to expect it (coming up towards you, rather than staying away).

  4. A lovely walk on a beautiful spring-like day. Your photos of the mallards and ducklings are excellent and they seem so tame if you can get close.
    I remember, when I was a child, there was a Hollywood film about H.C. Anderson starring Danny Kaye, and the most popular song was "There once was an ugly duckling"!

    1. CG, there was a fence between me and the birds here even if you don't see it in the photos. These are wild birds though, and the fence is only along part of the lake, so they're not really shut in. I know swans can sometimes be aggressive, so would not go too close to those - even if this one did seem quite tame.

  5. Such good photos of the birds...glad you could brave those steps...I would certainly have a few stops along the way up!

    1. Barbara, I managed the steps to the top without stops - but then I stopped for a bit of a breather up there - with the excuse to snap a photo or two ;) My calves are a bit sore today, though...

  6. The birds are doing a good job of checking you out, they are so nosey. I'm betting it's nice to get outside with the change in temperature.

    1. Amy, yes, it's beginning to feel a bit like spring now.

  7. Early yesterday evening the film "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" was shown on one of the TV channels I can access with Freesat. I missed the first part, so had to try to piece that part of the story together as I watched the rest. I should imagine that some children would have nightmares after watching it. However the animated figures were extremely well done, as were all the special effects. I'm sure the film was much more sophisticated than the book.

    1. CG, I think I shall have to re-watch the film! I have it on DVD but it's been a long time since I saw it - can't really recall now how I thought it compared to the book.


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