
Sunday 13 March 2022

Shadow Shot Sunday

 We're still in a period of sunny days but frosty nights here. Yesterday I spotted the first butterfly - a bright yellow common brimstone - but it was too far off for me to be able to catch it with the camera. At the same time, there are still patches of snow lingering in odd places here and there. I'm afraid the butterfly won't find much to feed on yet - and neither does my camera. All I've seen in the way of flowers so far is a few snowdrops. 

One day a week or so ago, in lack of greenery, I snapped some photos of shadows. Yesterday, again having found nothing new to really interest the camera on my walk through very familiar surroundings, I played around a bit with those shadows and some filters in Picasa3. (And yes, Sandra, I thought of you while I was playing...)

“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole.”
C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul 

“Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow…”
Louisa May Alcott, Little Women  

“There is strong shadow where there is much light.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Götz von Berlichingen 


 Linking to ShadowShotSunday2

Shadow Shot Sunday 2


  1. I really like your edits, they are so artistic. My favorites are the spooky one (it is blue and looks like nighttime) and the first one in the second collage with the rust orange background and aqua house.

    1. Thanks Ginny. I like the spooky blue one, too.

  2. I like the shadows that look like graffitti best . play on and share is what I say

  3. I enjoyed the originals and the off-shoots. Some days editing is all the fun! Thanks for quotes about shadows and light.

    1. Thanks Barbara. Yes, editing can bring interesting results sometimes :)

  4. Fun with editing! It is amazing how the same picture can look completely different.
    I also saw the first butterfly of this year yesterday, and guess what - it was a yellow one, too! I think these are called Zitronenfalter here.
    Many flowers are out now, primroses, daffodils and forsythia. Nights are still frosty but it can get up to 16C during the day.

    1. Thanks Meike. I saw another butterfly today, an orange one - I think probably a Small Tortoiseshell. Poor things, I imagine they must be totally confused here woken up by the warm daytime sunshine but having a hard time finding any flowers. The Common Brimstone/Zitronenfalter is called Citronfjäril here :)

  5. Surprising how editing can totally alter a photo! It's always fascinating to see the results - sometimes they are almost unrecognisable.
    No butterflies here yet in spite of having three Buddleia shrubs in the garden. It's been such a cold winter for us, they must still be hibernating. Something we feel like doing too!

    1. CG, yes, some editing filters can really shift the focus of a photo. I'm still half in hibernation myself, even if like the butterflies I go out and flutter about for a bit in the sunshine in the middle of the day now and then...

  6. Shadows. In the story of Peter Pan, he loses his shadow when the window closes behind him. The next evening, Wendy sews it to his feet. The shadow is a symbol of Peter's mother. Losing. Reattaching. Changing the person. etc. Your shadows seem to be symbols of your inner artist. Finding. Momentarily catching. Creating permanent beauty. Allowing the shadow its freedom.


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