
Saturday 30 April 2022


 It's been another week of breathtaking spring beauty...

On Monday, I went back to the same park as last Thursday, to take some more photos. By then, the flowers on the trees had gone from darker pink to nearly white. I was happy to also see and hear a lot of bumble bees enjoying the flowers. The last couple of years the trees and the bumble bees have not been in sync, but this year, they seem to be! :)


At home, noisy roof-work has continued...

When ordering my groceries with home delivery this week (as I do once a fortnight), I was a bit nervous that the delivery might coincide with lifting all the heavy pallets of new tiles up onto the roof - involving a huge crane parked outside my entrance all day, same as when they took the old tiles down...  Not much I could do about it, though, except hope for luck - or for the delivery guy to just handle the situation anyway. (After all, they're probably used to encountering strange situations from time to time.) 

Well, as it happened, we were all lucky. (Me, the roofers and the delivery guy.) The Gigantic Crane came and did its work on Thursday - and I stayed in until it was done, hardly even daring to look out the windows... ;) No, I'm exaggerating a bit. I actually did look out the windows quite frequently - I just kept missing the actual lifting, and thought to myself "maybe just as well..." The heavy pallets of tiles kept magically disappearing though, while a tower of empty pallets grew on the ground... At the end of the workday, they were done. And on Friday when my delivery van arrived, there was nothing in the way on the driveway. So all went well!

The photo is from Friday afternoon. It's become a new habit of mine these past couple of weeks to walk around the building and "inspect the roof" in connection with my afternoon walk... Looks like next week will be about laying the big tile puzzle up there!


  1. Looks like they are finally nearing the end! the trees are just stunning! Your walks are so full of beauty.

  2. Wonderful blooms and bumblebees! Glad the roof is coming along...the end is nearing!

    1. Thanks Barbara. Not over yet, but hopefully the messiest bit is behind now.

  3. As usual, our spring is ahead of yours by about 1-2 weeks, and so I very much enjoy looking at your gorgeous blossoms, while our trees are mostly green by now with very few blossoms remaining.

    1. Meike, the cherry blossom season always seems too short! :)

  4. What beautiful blossoms - they look perfect against the deep blue sky.
    What a relief it must be to know that the roof work is nearing completion, and how well your grocery delivery worked out, avoiding the huge crane!

    1. CG we've had an unusually sunny spring, getting spoiled with those blue skies!

  5. It's good the roofing work was done after your shopping was delivered, what would've happened if they had coincided at the same time? Hopefully they would've worked around each other.

    1. Amy, the delivery guys are usually big strong lads so would probably have managed even if they had to park further from the entrance. But I was still relieved that it didn't come to that!


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