
Sunday 24 April 2022

Spring Has Sprung

A lot has happened in Nature over the past week. On Thursday, I went for a walk to post some postcards - and was surprised to "suddenly" find the cherry blossom trees in this little park in full bloom! I also found wood anemones in a little copse of wood nearby.

On Friday, I went on a little 'reconnaissance' adventure by bus. Bus routes in the city have recently been changed and stops/changing places moved, because of a big project to totally reconstruct the square which until now has served as main meeting place for all the city buses. Figuring out where to go instead just now is not all easy!

Moreover, one is nowadays supposed to use one's phone to find out how (and when) to travel from A to B by bus - and instructions when a journey requires a change of buses  are just now more confusing than ever. Where to get off bus 1 and where to board bus 2 may just now, in some cases, be quite a long walk apart.

The week after next I'm supposed to go across town again for my 4th covid vaccination. On top of changed bus routes, they've also recently moved the vaccination center. Having struggled with the travel app for a while without getting any suggestions that made sense, I decided I'd probably better do a trial run first, without the added stress of time pressure!

The route I tried involved 15+ min walk from home to the railway station, waiting there 5 min or so, 12 min by bus (to the Arena which used to serve as vaccination center, last year) - and then an additional 10 min walk from there to the new vacc. center. I can do that (at least this time of year, and in nice weather). I'm sure there must be quite a few older pensioners and disabled people for whom it means serious trouble, though. And just using the app on the phone, without being familiar with the geography, I could not have figured it out! (The route suggested by the app includes two buses, but still having to walk about the same distance in total...) 

Well, at least now I know. (And as pensioner, I travel free in the non-rush hours.)

There were some lovely cherry blossom trees in that part of town as well. 

And before I returned home (the same way, but reversed), I also made a little tour of the shopping malls and looked into a couple of fashion shops that are not represented in the city centre. Have to say that a lot of the fashion this spring still does not really impress me, though. I tried on a few items but in the end only bought one - more to reward myself for the effort than because I really needed it. But it does go with other existing items in my wardrobe!


  1. The trees are stunning! Every bit as impressive as the ones in our capital of Washinton D.C. what an awful mess with the buses and scheduling. So do you know yet if this will make more walking for you? The last top I bought a couple weeks ago looks like this one!!

    1. Ginny, for now it doesn't really make all that much difference to me except when I have to go somewhere "unusual". The whole first year of corona I managed to avoid the buses completely. A friend drove me to my first covid vaccination. After that, I've taken the bus on a few occasions, but as I can usually manage walking to and from the city centre, it's not very often that I need to.

  2. I like the new top and that you did the trial run. when bob had surgery in a strange place we had not been to, we did the trial run by car so on the day of it we would know where to go... love those cherry blossoms and have never seen them with my own eyes, just photos. gorgeous and I find it very difficult to use apps on the phone to DO things. i can search and call and text but apps frustrate me

    1. Sandra, good to know I'm not 'alone' in worrying about these things ;) I do feel much better if I know where to go and how much time I need etc. I don't want to be late for appointments but on the other hand I don't want to have to sit/stand and wait for too long either! And I agree with you about phone apps. Besides being fiddly to do "advanced" things on the phone, I have mine on a cash card and when I go out, I'm offline except when I really need to use an app for something.

  3. Gorgeous trees! No wonder people stop and take pictures.
    You did well doing a trial run; you don‘t want to get all bothered and flustered on the day of your appointment. It really must be a challenge for less mobile people, and what are those without smart phones supposed to do?
    In the not so distant future, the central bus station in my town will also be completely made over. We as the Station Council have some insight in the plans and follow the process closely.

    1. Meike, that's what I ask myself as well. And even if one does have a smart phone, and knows how to use it, esp. elderly people might still have difficulties using apps when out and about, because of stiff fingers or tremor or poor eyesight or whatnot. Helpful as the technology is in many ways, I think we're going a bit too far in relying on it lately.

  4. The cherry blossom is magnificent - spring is well and truly here.
    On the opposite side of the valley to where I live, there are usually terrace after terrace of almond trees in blossom at the end of January. This year I haven't noticed them and suspect that our very cold, wet, winter has either delayed flowering, or worse, killed them off. Sad, because usually there are blossom walks and tours through the fields..
    Love the top, but the stripes are going the wrong way for me!
    Hope all goes well on your actual trip to the vaccination centre. I'm not sure if we "oldies" are having a 4th vaccination. Perhaps it's just for those at most risk from the virus.

    1. CG, I was glad to see the cherry blossom trees looking a lot 'healthier' this year than last year, I think our weather has been better for them this year.
      Re the vaccination, here they offer/recommend a 4th jab to 65+ now.

  5. Love cherry blossoms, nice to see the colour after Winter.


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