
Saturday 28 May 2022

Spring Market


Friday-Saturday after Ascension Day is traditionally Spring Market in my town. In the past it used to fill not only the main square but also the streets nearby, and was always crowded. I used to mostly keep on the outskirts of it just because of preferring some elbow-room... 

In 2020, after the outbreak of the corona virus (and before vaccine), the market was reduced to only a handful of stalls well spread out over the huge square. In 2021 (after introduction of the vaccine), it was expanded with a few more stalls, but still nothing like usual. 

Now in 2022, there are no longer any formal restrictions about distance etc. Yesterday I didn't see any ads in the local newspaper about a market though, and I thought maybe they had moved it to some other weekend. But today, there was an article about the spring market being "back", even if still not as big as in the past; so I decided to go for a walk into town and check it out. It was livelier than last year, but pretty much still limited to the main square, and with space between the stalls. I heard some people being disappointed; myself, I felt they'd found a sensible compromise.

There are three stalls I usually look for at the big markets - and I found all three pretty much in their usual spots. So personally, I have no complaints. ;) One is a stall where they sell cheap postcards. That one was back in its usual corner of the square, and I took the opportunity to stock up some new cards. Another thing I often buy at the market is socks - even if that's something that I can of course also find elsewhere. The third thing I nearly always at least look at, is handbags. I've also over the years fallen for many that turned out too small, too big, too heavy, not having enough compartments, not rainproof, or whatever...

This year, at least I had a pretty clear idea what I was looking for (having searched for a while for a replacement for a worn-out favourite). And, apart from the usual compromise of still not being able to find the equivalent of Hermione's bag in the last Harry Potter book (small, elegant, and weighing nothing, in spite of having room for a tent big as a small flat + the major part of the Hogwarts library), I think I found one as good as  could more realistically be expected:

Besides plenty of compartments, a zipper around the edge can be used to make the bag a little bit wider vs flatter.

An odd experience at the market today was a feeling of "shopping for free" because I was paying in cash with money that had been sitting idle in a drawer and my wallet for two years. During the pandemic it has become increasingly common (and preferred) here that we pay even very small sums by debit (or credit) card (or using phone apps). Some places don't even accept cash payment any more. But at the market today, no one objected. 


  1. Finding the perfect bag is like finding gold, there's not many that truly appeal to me

    1. Amy, I find the main problem to be that there are too many "looking" good - until actually try putting stuff into them... ;)

  2. This market reminds me of the craft show that I recently posted; even the purses are similar. I like your purse! And I love the big rabbit among the Iris!

    1. Ginny, not a lot of "crafts" at this market, though, but mostly mass-produced stuff.

  3. Oh goody, you stocked up on postcards! I will check my mail. The purse looks ideal, I like that it is expandable.

    1. Terra, a 'sample' will be coming your way soon...

  4. Love the handbag - very smart and looks just the right size.
    I buy most of my bags, socks, sweaters, trousers and underwear from our local market. There is a good selection at a reasonable quality and price and most of the clothing items are natural fabric. I haven't been to see if the market is actually up and running since Covid restrictions were lifted, but as peak holiday season is rapidly approaching, I suspect the majority of stalls will be there.

    1. CG, clothes like trousers I prefer to buy in shops where one can try things on (or buy and try on at home with the right to return if they don't fit).

  5. The spring market looks good enough for me, too - those who were disappointed probably expected huge crowds squeezing through with the odd pickpocket to make it feel just like „before“ 😊
    I would have stocked up on tights - those pale blue ones are exactly the colour I am currently missing in my drawer, since my last pair reached the end of its natural life months ago.

    1. Meike, I can't recall when I last wore a pair of tights (with feet). (In summer I tend to only wear skirts when it's hot; and in winter with warm leggings when it's really cold...)

  6. Great looking market...which reminds me I missed our weekly Tailgate Market here this week. It's mainly foodstuffs, but a bit of crafts too. Wish someone sold tights and socks! Love the new purse...I carry one for years until something breaks, then have to get a new one which will have different storage compartments. The last purchase was strangely different as a pouch that I sling over one shoulder and head, and can zip open various compartments when things are needed.

    1. Barbara, I'm not quite sure how you'd define the difference between a bag and a pouch. (Googling 'pouch' brought up all sorts - including a lot of kangaroos! lol)

  7. i like the bag and the fact it can be thin or wider. I don't use one except when going somewhere I have to WAIT, then I take kindle and phone and need it. i love the color and it looks really soft. glad the fair is back. the virus is now ramping up here and we just passed the 100,000 mark of infection in our town. now the masks are back but no mandate. the governor said we know what to do and should do it without being told. OH MY

    1. Sandra, the virus is far from gone here either, even if less talked about lately, as with most people having got the vaccine now, not all that many get seriously ill. I just heard on the radio though that many big amusement parks and zoos and such places have chosen to only allow about half as many visitors at the same time this summer, compared to pre-corona.


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