
Saturday 4 June 2022

All Things Bright and Beautiful

It seems I've been suffering from "writer's block" this week (at least on this blog*). Not sure why. I guess it's a combination of not all that much happening in my personal sphere, while at the same time too much going on in the world at large (war and politics) that I feel I can't do much about...

* On my other blog, Greetings from the Past, you'll find a Sepia Saturday 'Jubilee' blog post about the coronation of George VI (Queen Elizabeth's father). 

In my immediate surroundings, things are much the same as they've been all spring: the roofers are still busy up on the roof - and since a couple of weeks they're also accompanied by other workers hammering away on things down in the basement, to do with a full-scale renovation of the lifts (elevators). They've been working on one next-door for a couple of weeks now, but will be coming to ours next. (Luckily I'm not all that dependent on the lift.) 

Outdoors, the rhododendron are doing their best to make us forget the scaffolding...

The weather cooled off for a bit, and we've also had some rain, which contributed to preserving the rhododendron, azaleas and lilacs etc in the old cemetery - where I've kept going for daily walks, enjoying the beauty. 

For this weekend, the sun is back with summer temperatures - joining in the celebration of all kinds of things: Graduations, Pentecost, and Sweden's National Day (6th June, Monday). And in the UK, Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee. (I've been watching some documentaries on TV.)

For my own part, it's been a long time since I had any graduations to celebrate. But I still always associate lilacs with the end of the school year - ever since my own childhood.

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.


  1. all of these flowers are magnificent and that is great they are somewhat hiding the on going roofing work. they are all beautiful and I lean a little towards the purple at the end. not sure if i have ever seen lilacs. the poem is right and the first photo fits it perfectly

    1. Thanks Sandra. I think perhaps the lilacs prefer a climate with more distinct seasonal changes than Florida.

  2. What a gorgeous post; especially the first photo. It just shouts out beauty. I think they are lilies.

    1. Thanks Ginny. The flowers in the first photo are azaleas.

  3. The flowers are spectacular! The pictures of this post really fit the title. Just beautiful, all of it!

  4. Absolutely spectacular, and what gorgeous colours.
    The verses of "All Things Bright and Beautiful" bring back distant memories - it was the very first hymn I learned at school!

    1. CG, I don't think I ever heard this hymn in Swedish. Not sure when I first heard it - I think it could even be that I first got familiar with the words from the titles of James Herriot's books and the first TV series made from them...

  5. Love Rhododendrons, there use to be a red one I saw regularly and it was easily spottable.

    1. Amy, they are gorgeous, for the rather short time they're in bloom...


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