
Wednesday 8 June 2022

6th June (Sweden's National Day)


After two years of no big public events, this year there was again a Crowd gathered in our town park for Sweden's National Day, on 6th June. 

To me, it seemed like there were more people gathered for this celebration than ever before - but maybe it just felt like that because it's been three years since the last time (2019).





The police were present to keep an eye on things, but I don't think there were any incidents.
As usual, I mostly moved around on the outskirts of the crowd snapping photos... But I also happened to run into an old friend and her partner, and stopped a while to chat with them. While doing so, I let the camera rest - and forgot to take photos of them before we parted!
Well, I usually feel more comfortable just posting distance photos of strangers anyway... :)



  1. It's wonderful to see crowds again although I've got to the stage where I'm quite happy to view from afar. I have, as you know, been absent from Blogland for a while and I'm gradually catching up woth back posts but not always commenting.

    1. Graham, as I said in the post, I prefer to keep on the outskirts of the crowds as well. As for catching up in Blogland, even here one may sometimes have to skip all the details and just try and reconnect from "here and now" :)

  2. Looks like fun. Good weather and all very peaceful. I have always loved your flag, and they are even more beautiful with so many together. What are the big green balls?

    1. Ginny, the big green balls are part of some playground contraption - I'm not really sure what.

  3. I agree with Ginny...I wanted to ask about the big green balls also. It does look like a most enjoyable day for everyone.

    1. Barbara, the green thingies are part of some playground equipment. As I have no little kids to take to the park, I've never been close enough to figure out the details...

  4. It was a great day for everyone there, by the looks of it, last but not least for the little girl with the shiny horse balloon! (Or was it supposed to be a unicorn?)
    Here, crowds are definitely bigger than before; people appear to be starving for events of all sorts, where before they had too much choice and often couldn't be bothered.

    1. Meike, I saw it as a horse, but I guess the only one who really knows would be that little girl :)

  5. It seems that almost the whole town decided to attend! One thing I'm surprised about is that as it's your National Day, there doesn't appear to be anyone wearing National costume. In the past having attended one of two local events in Sweden, there has always been a proportion of the crowd in their costumes.

    1. CG, there are usually some people in traditional costumes among the standard-bearers - but they were in the thick of the crowd close to the stage, and I was not! I'd also say few people own one of those outfits unless they're into folk dancing or active members of a local history society etc. Moreover, our National Day is a rather young tradition. It was introduced as Flag Day in 1916, didn't get called National Day until 1983, and didn't get the status of a Bank Holiday until 2005. Midsummer celebrations are a much older tradition here and that's probably when you'd see the most people dressed up in traditional costumes.

  6. i was so focused on so many people i missed the big green balls and had to go back and find them, zooming in i see feet hanging out so must be a ride of some sort. i would stay way back too, I don't do much photography of strangers. it sounded like fun in the video and everyone looks happy. that is a long time to have to wait for the celebration.

    1. Sandra, you're right, the big green balls do belong to a playground ride of some sort.


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